Examples of Not Assessed in a sentence
When sufficient data is available the IEPA assesses each applicable designation as Fully Supporting (Good resource quality), Not Supporting (Fair or Poor resource quality), Not Assessed or Insufficient Information.
Standards under each subject will receive (+) for strength, (-) for an area of weakness, (S) for satisfactory performance, or (NA) for Not Assessed at this time.Development in "Active Learner Traits" are identified as a (+) for strength, a (-) for an area of weakness, or ( ) no mark indicates satisfactory performance.
Receiving County Taxes Not Assessed and Adding Names to Duplicates Prohibited.
In the assessment executive summary, the value of some of the fields of this system is displayed as Not Assessed.
Not Assessed (NA) Not assessed (NA) Not assessed (NA)Q: NR A: NR C: NR Q: NR A: NR C: NR Q: NR A: NR C: NR This pressure is Not assessed.
No English proficiency assessment administered because the student is not an English Language Learner.State Assessments Not Assessed PSSA (Math administered in grades 3-8; Science administered in grades 4 and 8; Reading administered in grades 3-8; Writing administered in grades 5 and 8; and ELA*) Tested Subject*ELA will replace the Reading and Writing PSSAs in 2014-2015 for grades 3-8.
Social growth/behavior and work habits will be graded S- Successful, N- Needs Assistance, U- Well Below Expectation or NA- Not Assessed at this Time.
When sufficient data is available, the IEPA assesses each applicable designation as Fully Supporting (Good resource quality), Not Supporting (Fair or Poor resource quality), Not Assessed or Insufficient Information.
Communications/literature, mathematics, science/health, and social studies will be graded A-Well Above Expectation, B- Above Expectation, C- Adequate Progress, D- Below Expectation, U- Well Below Expectation or NA- Not Assessed at this Time.
However, where a newcomer pupil has not been assessed at the reporting date, the pupil should be reported with code 50 Not Assessed.