Captured assessed value definition

Captured assessed value means the amount in any 1 year by which the current assessed value of the development area, including the assessed value of property for which specific local taxes are paid in lieu of property taxes as determined in subdivision (w), exceeds the initial assessed value. The state tax commission shall prescribe the method for calculating captured assessed value.
Captured assessed value means the amount in any 1 year by which the current assessed value of the eligible property identified in the tax increment financing plan or, for a certified technology park, a certified alternative energy park, or a Next Michigan development area, the real and personal property included in the tax increment financing plan, including the current assessed value of property for which specific local taxes are paid in lieu of property taxes as determined pursuant to subdivision (hh), exceeds the initial assessed value. The state tax commission shall prescribe the method for calculating captured assessed value. Except as otherwise provided in this part, tax abated property in a renaissance zone as defined under section 3 of the Michigan renaissance zone act, 1996 PA 376, MCL 125.2683, shall be excluded from the calculation of captured assessed value to the extent that the property is exempt from ad valorem property taxes or specific local taxes.
Captured assessed value means the amount, stated as a percentage, of Increased Assessed Value that is retained in each Tax Year during the term of the District, as specified in section 2.3 hereof.

Examples of Captured assessed value in a sentence

  • Captured assessed value" means the amount, as a percentage or stated sum, of increased assessed value that is utilized from year to year to finance the project costs contained within the development program.[PL 2001, c.

  • It is not an inviolable rule of law, but is only permissible inference in the absence of an indication to the contrary.” Therefore the wording of this section suggests that the dependant should also be one connected to the family and certainly not a servant.

  • Captured assessed value" means the amount, as a percentage or stated sum, of increased assessed value that is utilized from year to year to finance the project costs contained within the affordable housing development program.[ 2003, c.

  • Captured assessed value" means the amount, as a percentage or stated sum, of increased assessed value that is utilized from year to year to finance the project costs contained within the affordable housing development program.[PL 2003, c.

  • Captured assessed value dedication: The City of Dover shall expend the tax increments received in accordance with the tax increment financing plan.

More Definitions of Captured assessed value

Captured assessed value means the amount, stated as a percentage, of the Increased Assessed Value of the District that is retained in each Tax Year during the term of the District, as specified in Section 2.3 hereof, to fund Project costs authorized in the Development Program. See Exhibit 2 for further detail.
Captured assessed value means the amount, stated as a percentage, of the Increased Assessed Value of the District that is retained in each Tax Year during the term of the District, as specified in Section 2.3 hereof, to fund Project costs authorized in the Development Program.
Captured assessed value means increased assessed value retained in a TIF District each year during its term.
Captured assessed value means the amount, as a percentage or stated sum, of Increased Assessed Value that is utilized from year to year to finance Project Costs pursuant to the District Master Plan.
Captured assessed value means the amount, stated as a percentage, of the Increased Assessed Value that is retained in the District in each Tax Year during the term of the District, as specified in Section 2.2 hereof pertaining to the Developers Collaborative Property only.
Captured assessed value means that portion of the Increased Assessed Value that is annually retained within the District for the purpose of funding the District Development Program, as provided in the approved Development Program for the District. For the purposes of the District and this Credit Enhancement Agreement, Captured Assessed Value does not include the taxable value of personal property and equipment located within the District. As provided in the Financial Plan of the Development Program, the Captured Assessed Value shall be equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Increased Assessed Value for each of the thirty (30) Tax Years beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2047.
Captured assessed value means the valuation amount by which the current assessed value of the development district exceeds the original assessed value of the district and is sheltered for otherwise authorized tax increment financing purposes