Examples of Not substantiated in a sentence
The outcome of the s47 enquiries may reflect that the original concerns are: Not substantiated; although consideration should be given to whether the child may need services as a child in need; Substantiated and the child is judged to be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm and an initial child protection conference should be called; Substantiated but child is not judged to be at continuing risk of significant harm.
All cases2014/152015/162016/172017/182018/19Substantiated1413143124Not substantiated7071846574Other1617242Outcomes %1008060402002014/152015/162016/172017/182018/19Substantiated Not substantiated OtherThe above table and graph show that there has been a decrease in the number of substantiated cases being addressed through the management ofallegations process.
Based on the findings, your case will be closed one of three ways:• No indicator• Not substantiated, or• VerifiedAbuse Report Process Flowchart: DCF notifies FSS of the report and the licensed home is put on a “no placement hold” during the investigation.The Abuse Hotline is called and a report is generated, then assigned to a Child Protective Investigator (CPI).
Not substantiated If there is not enough evidence to decide if the allegations happened or were likely, no disciplinary action will be taken.
Not substantiated: Insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegations.