Examples of Not substantiated in a sentence
Agency) [Medium] Evode Limited [Homemaker Magazine]Complainant Member of PublicComplaint as made to the Authority Advertisement for Evo-Stik Supaproof gave the impres- sion that it was available in DI Y stores and Builders' Merchants; whereas comp- lainant had travelled long distances in search of the product but was unable to obtain it.Resolution of complaint Not substantiated.
Based on all of the information reviewed for this incident investigation, I have determined that incident number is: □ Substantiated, the findings support the event as described/allegation,□ Not substantiated, the findings do not support the event as described/allegations, or□ Partially substantiated, the findings support part of how the event/allegation was described but not entirely.
Based on the findings, your case will be closed one of three ways:• No indicator• Not substantiated, or• VerifiedAbuse Report Process Flowchart: DCF notifies FSS of the report and the licensed home is put on a “no placement hold” during the investigation.The Abuse Hotline is called and a report is generated, then assigned to a Child Protective Investigator (CPI).
Not substantiated, but company regretted that work was not acceptable to complainant and refunded his money.Not substantiated, but company regretted that work was not acceptable to complainant and refunded his money.
Not substantiated is not equivalent to "innocent" or "guiltless," but only that the evidence did not substantiate the allegation.