Safeguarding Adults Sample Clauses
Safeguarding Adults. The Trust will deliver operational safeguarding duty on behalf of Torbay to: Prevent abuse and neglect wherever possible, understand the causes of abuse and neglect, and learn from experience; Ensure all organisations embed learning from incidents and case reviews; Improve multi-agency practice and processes to improve individual safety planning as part of care and support plans and safeguard adults in a way that supports choice and control and improves their lives; Provide information and promote public awareness to enable people in the community to be informed so that they know when, and how, to report suspected abuse; Work with strategic commissioners and in partnerships with independent and community voluntary sector organizations to identify and address issues early preventing escalation through focused service improvement planning to reduce and streamline the number of current safeguarding processes.
Safeguarding Adults. 9.1 The Service Provider shall adopt and operate the Stockport All Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy. A copy of this document shall be kept by the Service Provider and shall be available to all its employees, volunteers, Service Users and their relatives.
9.2 The Service Provider will notify the Contract Manager as soon as possible, and at the latest the next working day, of any Safeguarding incident occurring during the operation of this Contract.
9.3 The Service Provider shall ensure that in recruiting, selecting and managing relevant personnel:
(i) An ‘enhanced with barred list’ check performed by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is reviewed as part of the recruitment process of any clinical performer.
(ii) Employment is not offered to a clinical performer on the DBS barred list.
(iii) A past conviction should not in itself preclude employment but consideration must be given as to whether past behaviour of the individual may put a vulnerable adult at risk.
9.4 The Provider shall adhere to the DBS guidance in referring employees to inclusion on the DBS barred list if required. The grounds for such referral include dismissal or intended dismissal or any action that has placed a vulnerable adult at risk of harm.
Safeguarding Adults. 31.1 The Owner and Registered Manager of the Provider are responsible for ensuring the organisation is fully engaged in the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board Policies and Procedures.
31.2 The Owners and Registered Manager of the Provider that are engaged in or undertake in any way operational duties must be appropriately cleared to do so, be fully trained and identified on the staffing rota.
31.3 The Owners and Registered Manager of the Provider are responsible for responding to Safeguarding Quality Assurance processes including self assessment within timescales agreed by the Council.
31.4 The Provider must ensure that it has suitable procedures in respect of adult and child protection to prevent and respond to allegations of abuse. These must be compatible with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and procedures agreed by the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board, and the Child Protection Policy and procedures agreed the Safeguarding Children and Young Peoples Partnership Board.
31.5 The Council will inspect these procedures from time to time, and shall expect the Provider to make every effort to attend seminars it provides on Safeguarding issues. Such attendance may be mandatory where concerns over the safety of any individual have been recorded at the home.
31.6 The Provider must ensure that any internal procedures or inter-agency protocols are consistent with the above policies and procedures.
31.7 The Provider must ensure that any evidence of an allegation or complaint about abuse relating to an adult is brought promptly to the attention of the Council, through implementing the safeguarding procedures.
31.8 The Provider has responsibility under The Health and Social Care Xxx 0000 to notify the Regulatory Body and the Council of any allegations of abuse or any other significant incidents.
31.9 If the Provider has services registered in more than one local authority area, it will defer to the Regulatory Body relevant to the area in which the alleged abuse took place.
31.10 It is the responsibility of the Provider to draw up its own Code of Practice on ‘abuse’. This must include a clear statement of what constitutes abuse, both in terms of broad definitions and examples. It must include a clear statement of what someone must do if they suspect abuse has taken place e.g. who to contact, telephone numbers, addresses etc. making reference to Wirral’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedures and a commitment to Workers that make ‘good fa...
Safeguarding Adults. The Service Provider agrees to adopt the “No Secrets in Bristol” policy and procedures are a framework for preventing harm and for protecting those who have allegedly been abused. The policy is agreed by all agencies who form the Bristol safeguarding adults partnership. xxxx:// ect/safeguarding_adults/No%20Secrets%20in%20Bristol%202014- policy%20and%20procedures%20for%20safeguarding%20adults%20at%20risk.pdf
Safeguarding Adults. 4.1 Referrals
4.2 Intervention/outcomes. The public health outcomes framework indicators to include the following: • Increased healthy life expectancy, i.e. taking account of the health quality as well as the length of life • Reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities (through greater improvements in more disadvantaged communities) and
Domain 1) Improving the wider determinants of health
Safeguarding Adults. 6. 2 The Service Provider shall act in accordance with xxxxxxxxxxx Safeguarding Adults Policy and the Xxxxxxxxxx Xxx 0000 to ensure appropriate action is taken in response to the suspicion or evidence of abuse or neglect (including whistle blowing) to ensure the safety and protection of Service Users. The Service Provider shall comply with those requirements of the Supporting People Quality Assessment Framework (Level B) published by the Communities and Local Government (or its successor in title) from time to time which relate to protection from abuse and shall, at the request of the Service Purchaser from time to time, demonstrate its agreement and compliance with those requirements to the reasonable satisfaction of the Service Purchaser.
Safeguarding Adults. Continue to prevent abuse and neglect wherever possible, understand the causes of abuse and neglect, and learn from experience Safeguard adults in a way that supports choice and control and improves their lives Provide information and promote public awareness to enable people in the community to be informed so that they know when, and how, to report suspected abuse
Safeguarding Adults. 3.1. The Safeguarding Adults Team is the single point of access for all safeguarding adult referrals. Referrals are made by telephone, email, or referral form, and are input into LAS (the Adult Social Care information system) by an administrator. All Safeguarding Adults issues are referred to the Safeguarding Adults Team whether there is an allocated worker involved, or the adult is not known to adult social care at all. Every referral will be considered against the statutory safeguarding criteria (s.42 Care Act 2014).
3.2. Under s.42 of the Care Act (2014), where a local authority has reasonable cause to suspect that an adult in their area: • has care and support needs • is experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect and • is unable to protect themselves from the abuse or neglect due to their care and support needs
3.3. The local authority must make (or cause to be made) whatever enquiries it thinks necessary to enable it to decide whether any action should be taken in the adult’s case, if so what and whom.
3.4. All Safeguarding adult enquiries should be governed by the safeguarding principles: • Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.
Safeguarding Adults. The Trust shall have in place its own Safeguarding Adults Policy , and associated procedures which shall accord with the requirements and procedures detailed in the Councils Safeguarding Adults Policy.
Safeguarding Adults. 9.1 Nottingham City Council requires that all Providers follow the “Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Adults Policy, Procedure & Guidance „‟ In addition, the following should be put in place by Providers:
9.1.1. Providers should attend the appropriate level of Safeguarding Training via Nottingham City Council or their own internal training structures
9.1.2. Safer recruitment procedures should be adhered to
9.1.3. All safeguarding referrals should be logged and outcomes recorded
9.1.4. The Provider should establish internal Safeguarding policy & procedures as appropriate to the size of the organisation
9.1.5. Nottingham City Council requires Providers to co-operate with investigations of abuse including appropriate representation at City Council Safeguarding Case Conferences and submit Action Plans in response to recommendations arising from Safeguarding Investigations as required
9.1.6. Nottingham City Council requires Providers to contribute to all major incidents which require multi agency review.