Notice of Project definition
Examples of Notice of Project in a sentence
The post-discharge monitoring period begins on the date of the Notice of Completion of Discharges Letter and ends on the date of the Notice of Project Complete Letter issued by the Central Valley Water Board staff.
The active discharge period begins with the effective date of this Order and ends on the date that the Permittee receives a Notice of Completion of Discharges Letter or, if no post-construction monitoring is required, a Notice of Project Complete Letter.
Prior to commencement of construction, the Contractor shall complete and file a "Construction Notice of Project" with the Workers' Compensation Board and shall provide a copy of the same to the City confirming that the Contractor shall be the Prime Contractor responsible for coordination of safety and health under Part 3 of the Workers Compensation Act and Part 20 of the WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
Annual reporting shall continue until the Central Valley Water Board issues a Notice of Project Complete Letter to the Permittee.
F.1 The Consultant’s firm will be compensated for professional services as indicated in the Notice of Project Award in accordance with the fee proposal submitted by the Consultant and negotiated and/or accepted by the Owner.
The Contractor to this Contract is designated and assumes the responsibility as the Prime Contractor per WorkSafe BC OH&S Regulations Section 20.2 Notice of Project and 20.3 Coordination of Multiple Employer Workplaces and Workers’ Compensation Act, Section 118 Coordination of Multiple-Employer Workplaces subsections (1) and (2).
The Contractor shall file a Notice of Project, as required by the OHSA, with the Ministry of Labour and shall post the Notice of Project at the workplace.
Any requirement for a Notice of Project to be submitted to the Ministry of Labour (MOL) is the sole responsibility of the constructor.
Monthly reporting shall continue until the Central Valley Water Board issues a Notice of Project Complete Letter to the Permittee.b. Annual Reporting – Not Applicable Project Status Notificationsa.
The State Water Board will mail a Notice of Project Completion letter to the Grantee stating that the project file is closed, the final invoice is being processed for payment, and any remaining balance will be disencumbered and unavailable for further use under the Grant Agreement.