Notice to comply definition
Examples of Notice to comply in a sentence
Notice to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act: Special assistance is available for disabled persons addressing Town Council.
However, these publications were not intended only for activities related to oil and gas development - the severity of northern climate made it an important consideration in a variety of other endeavours.
Adults who are marginalised and least likely to participate will continue to be prioritised including workless adults, people on low incomes with low skills, those who did not achieve at school and people residing within communities that lie within the 20% most deprived nationally on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation.
BNCM filed Form D Notice to comply with the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Regulation D under Rule 506(b) on July 13, 2021, with an amendment on Sept.
For a Proposal Notice to comply with the requirements of this Section 3.17(b), each of the requirements of Section 3.17(b) shall be directly and expressly responded to and a Proposal Notice must clearly indicate and expressly reference which provisions of Section 3.17(b) the information disclosed is intended to be responsive to.