Examples of Minor violation in a sentence
Violations that undermine enforcement, are likely to cause public or environmental harm, or are a repeat of a Minor violation that occurred within a two-year period and resulted in an administrative civil penalty.
Violations that undermine enforcement of any state law, are likely to cause public or environmental harm, or are a repeat of a Minor violation that occurred within a two-year period and resulted in an administrative civil penalty.
Violations that are likely to undermine an examination of records of the licensee, or are a repeat of a Minor violation that occurred within a two-year period and resulted in an administrative civil penalty.
Minor violation will be handled through informal or in-school disciplinary measures.
Minor violation records - case records, other than dockets, filed in or relating to a proceeding involving civil motor vehicle infractions, parking, littering, bicycles, pedestrians, municipal dog control, the decriminalized disposition of violations of municipal ordinances or by-laws or other decriminalized regulatory offenses.