now definition

now means at the date of execution of this Agreement, and the term “hereafter” means after the date of execution of this Agreement; and (xvii) references to payments of principal include any premium payable on the same date.
now means at the date of execution of this Indenture, and the word "hereafter" means after the date of execution of this Indenture.
now means Negotiable Order of Withdrawal. • "Item" or "items," as defined by Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), means an instrument or a promise or order to pay money handled by a financial institution for collection or payment. The term includes a check but does not include a payment order governed by Article 4A of the UCC or a credit or debit card slip. • "Debit transactions," "debit," or "debits" refer to funds that are taken out of your account. Common types of debits may include: checks or drafts that you have written, ACH payments, wire transfers, PIN-based debit card transactions, and signature-based debit card transactions. • "Credit transactions," "credit," or "credits" refer to deposits of funds into your account. Common types of credits include: cash deposits, direct deposits, check deposits, and ACH and wire transfers made payable to you. Credits are generally added to your account and are made available to you in accordance with our funds availability schedule. GENERAL AGREEMENT. You understand the following Account Agreement ("Agreement") governs your account with us. Your account is also governed by other applicable documents, such as the Truth In Savings Account Disclosure and Privacy Policy, and where applicable, the Funds Availability Policy and Electronic Fund Transfer (Agreement and) Disclosure ("Disclosures"), which are incorporated by reference. By providing a written or electronic signature on the Account Information document or other agreement to open your account, or by using any of our deposit account services, you and any identified account owners agree to the terms contained in this Account Agreement. GENERAL RULES. The following rules apply to all types of accounts:

Examples of now in a sentence

  • Now that the System has basic functionality and Collaborators are able to use the System funding is based on an annual work plan which is included as Schedule A.

  • For the Employer 2023-Mar-16 | 11:50 AM PDT Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Date System Vice President, Employee & Labor Relations CommonSpirit Health For the Union Xxxxxx Xxxxx 2023-Mar-14 | 7:40 PM PDT Date Labor Representative, Oregon Nurses Association EXHIBIT A Certification Pay: Employees Now Deemed Eligible for Certification Pay 100805 Xxxxxx, Xxxx X.

More Definitions of now

now is defined in the definition of "Deposits".
now means the effective date of this act.
now means Northwest Oregon Works which is the assumed business name of Oregon Northwest Workforce Investment Board, an Oregon 501 (C) (3), created to carry out its responsibilities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
now means at the date of execution of this Indenture, and the term “hereafter” means after the date of execution of this Indenture;
now means Negotiable Order of Withdrawal. • "Item" or "items," as defined by Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), means an instrument or a promise or order to pay money handled by a financial institution for collection or payment. The term includes a check but does not include a payment order governed by Article 4A of the UCC or a credit or debit card slip. • "Debit transactions," "debit," or "debits" refer to funds that are taken out of your account. Common types of debits may include: checks that you have written, ACH payments, wire transfers, PIN-based debit card transactions, and signature- based debit card transactions. • "Credit transactions," "credit," or "credits" refer to deposits of funds into your account. Common types of credits include: cash deposits, direct deposits, check deposits, and ACH and wire transfers made payable to you. Credits are generally added to your account and are made available to you in accordance with our funds availability schedule. GENERAL AGREEMENT. You understand that the following Account Agreement ("Agreement") governs your account with us, along with any other documents applicable to your account, such as our Funds Availability Policy or Privacy Policy ("Disclosures"), which are incorporated herein by reference. GENERAL RULES. The following rules apply to your account:
now means at the date of execution of this Agreement; and the term "hereafter" means after the date of execution of this Agreement.
now. : No doubt hic means ‘in this letter’, ‘at this moment’, ‘in this (political) situation’, cf. e.g. 2.2.1 hic quid de regionis nostrae climate loquar? and 2.13.3 hic si omittamus antecedentium principum casus. The circumstances do not allow freedom of speech, one has to submit for one’s own safety, as is demonstrated in the ensuing biblical stories.