NRPS Benchmark definition

NRPS Benchmark means in relation to any Franchisee Year, each of the benchmarks relating to each NRPS Measure as set out in the relevant columns of the NRPS Benchmark Table;
NRPS Benchmark has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1.1 of Schedule 7.2 (Customer Experience and Engagement);
NRPS Benchmark means in relation to any Franchisee Year, each

More Definitions of NRPS Benchmark

NRPS Benchmark has the meaning given to it in paragraph 1.1 of Schedule 7.2 (National Rail Passenger Surveys, Customer Report and CCI Scheme);

Related to NRPS Benchmark

  • Relevant Benchmark means the Index, the Reference Interest Rate and any other index, benchmark or price source by reference to which principal or other amounts payable under the Securities is calculated.

  • Term Benchmark when used in reference to any Loan or Borrowing, refers to whether such Loan, or the Loans comprising such Borrowing, are bearing interest at a rate determined by reference to the Adjusted Term SOFR Rate.

  • Benchmark means, initially, the Term SOFR Reference Rate; provided that if a Benchmark Transition Event has occurred with respect to the Term SOFR Reference Rate or the then-current Benchmark, then “Benchmark” means the applicable Benchmark Replacement to the extent that such Benchmark Replacement has replaced such prior benchmark rate pursuant to Section 2.12(d)(iii)(A).

  • Replacement Benchmark means a benchmark rate which is:

  • Benchmarks mean the performance milestones that are set forth in Appendix D.

  • Benchmark Gilt means, in respect of a Reset Period, such United Kingdom government security having a maturity date on or about the last day of such Reset Period as the Calculation Agent, with the advice of the Reference Banks, may determine to be appropriate;

  • Alternative Benchmark Rate means an alternative benchmark or screen rate which is customarily applied in international debt capital markets transactions for the purposes of determining floating rates of interest (or the relevant component part thereof) in the Specified Currency, provided that all determinations will be made by the Independent Adviser in its reasonable discretion.

  • Unadjusted Benchmark Replacement means the applicable Benchmark Replacement excluding the related Benchmark Replacement Adjustment.

  • Benchmarker means the person appointed by the PCC to conduct the Benchmark Review.

  • Interpolated Benchmark with respect to the Benchmark means the rate determined for the Corresponding Tenor by interpolating on a linear basis between: (1) the Benchmark for the longest period (for which the Benchmark is available) that is shorter than the Corresponding Tenor and (2) the Benchmark for the shortest period (for which the Benchmark is available) that is longer than the Corresponding Tenor.

  • Administrator/Benchmark Event Date means, in respect of an Administrator/Benchmark Event, the date on which the authorisation, registration, recognition, endorsement, equivalence decision, approval or inclusion in any official register is (i) required under any applicable law or regulation; or

  • Performance Indicators means the indicators for Project monitoring and evaluation set forth in the Operational Manual.

  • Measurement Point means the emission source for which continuous emission measurement systems (CEMS) are used for emission measurement, or the cross-section of a pipeline system for which the CO2 flow is determined using continuous measurement systems;

  • Administrator/Benchmark Event means, in relation to any Benchmark, the occurrence of a Benchmark Modification or Cessation Event, a Non-Approval Event, a Rejection Event or a Suspension/Withdrawal Event all as determined by the Issuer.

  • Performance Indicator means a measure of HSP performance for which a Performance Target is set; technical specifications of specific Performance Indicators can be found in the MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document;

  • Performance Formula means, for a Performance Period, the one or more objective formulae applied against the relevant Performance Goal to determine, with regard to the Performance Compensation Award of a particular Participant, whether all, some portion but less than all, or none of the Performance Compensation Award has been earned for the Performance Period.

  • Successor Benchmark Rate means a successor to or replacement of the Original Benchmark Rate which is formally recommended by any Relevant Nominating Body.

  • Original Benchmark Rate on any day means the 3-months Euro Interbank Offered Rate (expressed as a percentage rate per annum) fixed at, and appearing on, the Screen Page as of 11:00 a.m. (Brussels time) on such day.

  • Benchmarked Rates means the Framework Prices for the Benchmarked Goods and/or Services

  • Performance Measure means one or more of the following selected by the Committee to measure Company, Affiliate, and/or business unit performance for a Performance Period, whether in absolute or relative terms (including, without limitation, terms relative to a peer group or index): basic, diluted, or adjusted earnings per share; sales or revenue; earnings before interest, taxes, and other adjustments (in total or on a per share basis); basic or adjusted net income; returns on equity, assets, capital, revenue or similar measure; economic value added; working capital; total shareholder return; and product development, product market share, research, licensing, litigation, human resources, information services, mergers, acquisitions, sales of assets of Affiliates or business units. Each such measure shall be, to the extent applicable, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as consistently applied by the Company (or such other standard applied by the Committee) and, if so determined by the Committee, and in the case of a Performance Compensation Award, to the extent permitted under Code Section 162(m), adjusted to omit the effects of extraordinary items, gain or loss on the disposal of a business segment, unusual or infrequently occurring events and transactions and cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles. Performance Measures may vary from Performance Period to Performance Period and from Participant to Participant, and may be established on a stand-alone basis, in tandem or in the alternative.

  • Peer Group means the group of companies, as more particularly set forth on attached Exhibit A, against which the Relative Total Shareholder Return of the Company is measured over the Incentive Period.

  • Indices means, subject to Adjustment Provisions, the following indices (and each an Index)

  • Program Participants means, for any CRP, the Centers (other than the Lead Center for such CRP) and any Partner receiving funding for activities under such CRP that are funded by the CGIAR Fund.

  • Eligible Earnings means the Grantee's base salary (prior to any deferrals under a cash or deferred compensation plan sponsored by the Corporation or an Affiliate) paid during the Plan Year. From time to time the Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion, establish rules for determining the amounts of Eligible Earnings for employees who become Grantees other than on the first day of a Plan Year as well as any reduction of Eligible Earnings as a result of paid leave of absences.

  • DCF means Day Count Fraction;

  • Moderate-income unit means a restricted unit that is affordable to a moderate-income household.