Examples of NZ Branch in a sentence
The consolidated financial statements of ANZ New Zealand comprise the financial statements of the NZ Branch and all the New Zealand businesses of all the subsidiaries of the Ultimate Parent Bank (those entities where it is determined that the Ultimate Parent Bank has capacity to control).
Executive roles included in KMP are the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), all executives reporting directly to the Bank’s CEO, and the CEO – NZ Branch.
While RBNZ requires the Ultimate Parent Bank to comply with the minimum capital adequacy requirements as administered by APRA, there are no regulatory capital requirements that apply specifically to the NZ Branch or ANZ New Zealand.MANAGED CAPITALThe Banking Group is subject to its own regulatory capital requirements as administered by RBNZ.
Payment to holders of insured deposits held in the Registered Bank’s U.S. Branches, administrative expenses of the receiver and secured creditors rank in priority of payment over all other unsecured creditors, including depositors in the Registered Bank’s non-U.S. branches (such as NZ Branch) who would then rank pari passu in order of payment.
The Banking Group’s ICAAP is subject to independent and periodic review.REGULATORY ENVIRONMENTThe Ultimate Parent Bank is a registered bank in New Zealand, and conducts business in New Zealand through the NZ Branch.
The NZ Branch is not rated by an external ratings agency but the Company has a Standard and Poors rating of AA-.
NZ Branch is a branch of the Registered Bank and is not a separate legal entity.
The NZ Branch holds 2 portfolios of interest bearing securities and several banking facilities.
The following standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have been identified as those which may impact the NZ Branch in the period of initial application.
The NZ Branch has processes in place to monitor its aggregate exposure position and to model the risk posed by exposure concentrations to the Statement of Financial Position.