OCC Regulation definition
Examples of OCC Regulation in a sentence
Each party covenants that, with respect to such information, it will comply with the OCC Regulation or Regulation S-P and that it will not disclose any Nonpublic Personal Information received in connection with this Agreement, to any other party, except to the extent necessary to carry out the services set forth in this Agreement or as otherwise permitted by OCC Regulation or Regulation S-P under the Act.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background OCC Regulation Review Program The OCC is proposing to revise 12 CFR part 1 pursuant to its Regulation Review Program.
Market Value as defined by Title XI of FIRREA as adopted by the OCC Regulation 12 CFR 34, is: "The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.
The OCC will work to insure that its changes do not erode public protection or bank safety andsoundness.Timetable:Legal Deadline: NoneAbstract: The OCC, as part of the OCC Regulation Review program, isreviewing all its rules and eliminating regulations that impose unnecessaryburdens relative to maintaining safety and soundness and accomplishingother statutory responsibilities of the OCC.
It will revise text in the CFR to reduce burden orduplication, or streamline requirements.Legal Authority: 12 USC 1 et seq; 12 USC 24(Seventh); 12 USC 93aCFR Citation: 12 CFR 1; 12 CFR 7Legal Deadline: NoneAbstract: The OCC, as part of the OCC Regulation Review Program, isreviewing all its rules and eliminating regulations that impose unnecessaryburdens relative to maintaining safety and soundness and accomplishingother statutory responsibilities of the OCC.
According to OCC, Regulation 1.73 requires FCMs to: 1) establish risk-based limits in the proprietary account and in each customer account based on position size, order size, margin requirements, or similar factors;2) screen orders for compliance with the risk-based limits; and 3) monitor for adherence to the risk based limits intra-day and overnight.
The Bank proposes to effect the share reclassification under Tennessee corporate law and OCC Regulation 7.2000(b).
The Section 1 Opt-outs under this section 4(a) are only effective to the extent that the Covered Agreements and Covered Credit Enhancements affected by an Adhering Party’s election hereunder would continue to meet the requirements of the FDIC Regulation, FRB Regulation and OCC Regulation, as applicable.
It will revise text in the CFR to reduce burden orduplication, or streamline requirements.requirements.Legal Authority: 12 USC 1; 12 USC 24(Seventh and Tenth); 12 USC 93aCFR Citation: 12 CFR 23Legal Deadline: NoneAbstract: The OCC, as part of the OCC Regulation Review Program, isreviewing all its rules and eliminating or modifying regulations that impose unnecessary burdens relative to maintaining safety and soundness and accomplishing other statutoryresponsibilities of the OCC.
Having determined that the NCDCA is not preempted by the NBA under the recent amendments to the preemption framework made by Dodd-Frank Act, the court must ascertain whether the OCC Regulation 12 C.F.R. § 34.4 preempts the NCDCA.