Examples of Occupied bed days in a sentence
Occupied bed days for all North Lanarkshire delays decreased by 107 December 2018 against December 2017, an increase of 203 bed days for non-code 9 delays and decrease of 310 Code 9 bed days.
The 2005 Annual Survey of Hospitals conducted by the Illinois Department of Public Health will be the source data for Occupied bed days.
OBD8000 700067566000595660526258639065815847561658965000 4000 3000 2000 1000 020092010201120122013Year2014201520162017 Figure 3.1: Occupied bed days during the years 2009-2017 Figure 3.1 shows the OBD at MDH ICU during the 9-year period analysed.
Occupied bed days shall be computed separately for each hospital operated or maintained by a hospital provider.
Problems with the collection of data on specific indicators are shown in table 3, and listed here: Occupied bed days: Merseycare and 5 Boroughs used different definitions.
Occupied bed days are defined as the total number of days of stay for all patients who were formally admitted at a facility in a year.
Occupied bed days for the County of Monaghan had been 90,000 in 1990 falling to less than 30,000 in 2000.
Occupied bed days resulting from delayed discharges have reduced substantially during 2015/16 when compared with the previous year.
Occupied bed days reduced in 2013/14 compared to our previous plan, mainly due to a reduction in bed numbers in the year.
For health services provided with energy (electricity and steam) under the co-generation ESA (energy services agreement) carbon factors provided by the energy retailer are used.3. Electricity consumption values exclude line losses; some energy retailers include losses in reported values.4. Occupied bed days (OBD) include both inpatient and aged care data, unless stated otherwise.