Examples of Odd-lot Holders in a sentence
Those Odd-lot Holders who do not make an election will automatically be regarded as having chosen and accepted the Cash Consideration.
Shareholders who become Odd-lot Holders between the First Record Date and the Second Record Date will not be entitled to participate in the Odd-lot Offer.
Receipts for the surrender of Documents of Title of Certificated Odd-lot Holders will be issued only on request.
Odd-lot Offer TermsShareholders who are Odd-lot Holders on the First Record Date (being 30 March 2012) and who remain Odd-lot Holders on the Second Record Date (being the record date announced by the Directors when an Odd-lot Offer is declared) will be entitled to participate in an Odd-lot Offer in respect of their Odd-lots.
In the event of the Odd-lot Offer not being implemented for any reason whatsoever the Transfer Secretaries will, within five business days of the date upon which it becomes known that the Odd-lot Offer will not be implemented, return the Documents of Title to the Odd-lot Holders concerned, by registered post, at the risk of such Odd-lot Holders.