Examples of OEB Act in a sentence
As an exception to the general restriction on its business activities, the OEB Act permits LDC to provide additional services related to the promotion of CDM activities and alternative, cleaner and renewable sources of energy and energy storage.
Section 96 of the OEB Act provides that the OEB shall make an order granting leave if the OEB finds that “the construction, expansion or reinforcement of the proposed work is in the public interest”.
The Electricity Act and the OEB Act provide the broad legislative framework for the Province’s electricity market.
Under the OEB Act, electricity distributors are entitled to apply to the OEB for authority to expropriate land required in connection with new or expanded electricity distribution lines or interconnections.
The information package contained material regarding NextBridge’s Leave to Construct the Project application under Section 92, OEB Act, Hydro One Networks (Transmission)’s Leave to Construct application to upgrade, Project schedule, and public notices in Ojibway, English, French and Cree.