Examples of Office Uses in a sentence
For Retail Uses, Service Uses, Office Uses, and Trade Uses, there shall be, to a depth of at least two (2) feet behind the Display Window Area: (i) an area for the display of goods and services available for purchase on the premises; or (ii) an area for exhibits and announcements; provided, however, that no such areas shall be required for a display window that provides pedestrians with a view of the Retail Use, Service Use, Office Use, or Trade Use conducted on the premises.
Alternative E, the Alternative Land Use—New Residential Uses With Decreased Office Uses Alternative, would introduce residential uses to the Project Site and reduce the amount of proposed office, production office, and support uses.
Tall; 1.75 FARC.J. Laffer, Contact w/ 134 Pkg Spaces in 2-Level310-656-4330 Subterranean Parking Garage Project may include up to 25% Accessory Business & Professional Office Use(s) per SMMC Sec.
In the event a revised lower TDM Goal is established for the Residential Units and/or the Office Uses, the Maximum Residential Trips After Reduction and the Maximum Office Trips After Reduction will be revised accordingly for the subsequent review period without the need for a PCA.
The TPM will verify that the proffered TDM Goal for the Residential Units and the Office Uses is being met through the completion of surveys of the residents of the Residential Units and/or employees of the Office Uses (“Surveys”), vehicular trip counts of the Residential Units and/or the Office Uses (“Trip Counts”), and/or other such methods as may be reviewed and approved by FCDOT.
Parking on surface lots for Office Uses and Retail Sales And Service Uses is limited to the maximum ratios in Table 508-2.
After the expiration of the Applicant Control Period for the Office Uses, if an Annual Report indicates that a change in the vehicle trip characteristics of the Office Uses has occurred that reasonably calls into question whether the TDM Goal for the Office Uses continues to be met, then FCDOT may require the TPM to conduct additional Trip Counts (pursuant to the methodology set forth in the TDM Work Plan) within ninety (90) days to determine whether in fact such objectives are being met.
This obligation is subject to the applicable costs related to participation in the TDMA being allocated on a pro-rated basis for Residential Units and Office Uses, and being no greater than that imposed on similar UOA/HOA/COA/CAs that are also part of the same TDMA and subject to a further showing that the costs associated with the TDMA do not unreasonably limit the UOA/HOA/COA/CA’s ability to perform its obligations as defined by these proffers or the applicable law.
The “Office TDM Incentive Fund” is an account into which the Applicant will deposit contributions to fund a multimodal incentive program for the tenants and employees of the Office Uses within the Property.
Flex Space: A mixed use facility consisting primarily of Office Uses that provide a flexible configuration of collaborative work spaces within a Building and may be combined with Uses such as Commercial and/or showroom space, media and technology production, Manufacturing-Enabled Retail, warehouse, Art Gallery, exhibition, museum, and/or conference uses.