Residential Uses definition

Residential Uses means lands, Buildings or structures or portions thereof used, or designed or intended for use as a home or residence of one or more individuals, and shall include Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling, Multiple Dwelling, Apartment Dwelling, and the residential portion of a mixed-use Building or structure;
Residential Uses means activities carried out on property developed for permanent housing or being developed to be occupied by permanent housing.
Residential Uses means land, buildings or structures or portions thereof used, designed, or intended to be used as living accommodation for one or more individuals;

Examples of Residential Uses in a sentence

  • Unless otherwise provided for in this Lease, no portion of the Lease Premises shall be used as a location for a Residence, for the purpose of mooring or maintaining a structure which is used as a Residence, or for Residential Uses.

  • The Use Table (3.1) is separated by Accessory Uses, Residential Uses, and Nonresidential Uses.

  • This size limitation shall not be applicable to off-street parking spaces permitted under the provisions of paragraph (c) of Section 16-12 (Permitted Parking for Non- Residential Uses) where such spaces are exclusively #accessory#, no-charge, self-parking spaces in enclosed facilities with a capacity limited to 100 automobiles.

  • The Transit Facilities and Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Modifiers for Commercial Residential Uses; are the only permitted modifiers that allow reduction of the minimum numerical parking requirements in Table 50.06.002-3.

  • Specifically with regard to the policies cited by Mr. Oberlander in the Capitol Hill Area Element as being violated by the Project (Policy CH-1.1.1 Conserving Residential Uses and Policy CH-2.2.7 Hine Junior High School), OP found “the scale of development proposed is consistent with the moderate density commercial and moderate density residential land use pattern of the area.

More Definitions of Residential Uses

Residential Uses means activities within land areas used predominantly for housing.
Residential Uses means activities carried out on property developed for permanent housing or being developed to be occupied by permanent housing; COMMERCIAL USES - means activities carried out on property developed for industry, commerce, trade, recreation, or business, or being developed to be occupied for such purposes, for profit or nonprofit. OTHER USES - means activities other than residential uses or commercial uses.
Residential Uses means any one or more of the following uses: Assisted Living, Dwelling Unit, Live Work Unit, Multi-Residential Development, Hotel and Tong House. Defined Uses
Residential Uses means living within single-family residence, detached houses, accessory dwelling units, duplexes and/or multifamily residences.
Residential Uses means the following: Homes and Home Sites shall be used only for Private, Primary, Permanent Residential Purposes, and no business or commercial activity of any nature shall be conducted thereon; provided, however, that Residents and Tenants may conduct Home-Based Businesses in accordance with these Rules and Regulations and applicable law.
Residential Uses means, for the purpose of providing solid waste collection, single-family, duplex and multifamily dwellings (up to and including five units) on public ways. Residential uses may include home occupations as defined in the Town Zoning Ordinance, but not other mixed commercial and residential uses.
Residential Uses means use of land, buildings or structures designed or intended to be used as living accommodations for one or more individuals