Examples of Officially Listed in a sentence
Another variable that captures firm transparency is the dummy variable Officially Listed (0/1), that equals one if the company had any class of its outstanding shares officially listed in London and traded on the floor, and equals zero otherwise.
A variable Leverage equals the total amount of mortgages plus debentures plus short-term debt divided by the book value of the assets.As before we also include two dummy variables capturing firm transparency, i.e., One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1).
We also run the corporate financing and performance variables on firm controls and interaction terms of Post 1970 (0/1), a dummy that equals one for years after 1970 and equals zero otherwise, with the three variables that explain the adding of banks, i.e., One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1), and Arm's Length Debt (0/1).
To proxy for the quality of governance we therefore include again the logarithm of one plus Board Size.As before we also include two dummy variables capturing firm transparency, i.e., One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1).
The propensity score is computed using a comprehensive set of the following firm variables we have access to:ln(1+Age), ln(Book Value of Assets), One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1), Arm’s Length Debt (0/1), ), Tangibility, Net Investment (in Tangible + Intangible +Trade), Growth of Bank Debt, , Growth of Long Term Debt, Net Share Issues to Book Value of Assets, Return on Equity, and Industry affiliation.
We have used the optimized distributed decryption in the full version [KPR17] for SPDZ-1, SPDZ-2, and High Gear.
The propensity score is computed using a comprehensive set of the following firm variables we have access to: ln(1+Age), ln(Book Value of Assets), One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1), Arm’s Length Debt (0/1), ), Tangibility, Net Investment (in Tangible + Intangible +Trade), Growth of Bank Debt, Growth of Trade Credit, Growth of Long Term Debt, Net Share Issues to Book Value of Assets, and Industry affiliation.
State highways are classified as either Officially Listed or Eligible.
The propensity score is computed using a comprehensive set of the following firm variables we have access to: ln(Book Value of Assets), ln(1+Age), British (0/1), One Share - One Vote (0/1), Officially Listed (0/1), Arm’s Length Debt (0/1), Subsidiary (0/1), and the growth rates (over the last seven years) of Leverage, Bank Debt, Long Term Debt, Trade Credit, Share Issuance andReturn on Equity.
No Officially Listed or Eligible State Scenic Highways designated under the Scenic Highway Act are located in close proximity to the project site.5 The nearest eligible State Scenic Highway is Route 128 in Winters, located approximately 7.7 miles west of the project site.