Ohio tuition trust fund definition

Ohio tuition trust fund means the trust fund created under and pursuant to division (A) of section 3334.11 of the Revised Code for which the authority serves as trustee.

Examples of Ohio tuition trust fund in a sentence

  • Annually, the Ohio tuition trust authority shall have the actuarial soundness of the Ohio tuition trust fund evaluated by a nationally recognized actuary and shall determine whether additional assets are necessary to defray the obligations of the authority.

  • Upon termination of the program or liquidation of the Ohio tuition trust fund, the Ohio tuition trust reserve fund, and the Ohio tuition trust operating fund, any remaining assets of the funds after all obligations of the funds have been satisfied pursuant to division (B) of section 3334.11 of the Revised Code shall be transferred to the general revenue fund of the state.

  • The tuition credits program and the Ohio tuition trust fund previously created by law, which terms include any successor to that program or fund, shall be continued subject to the same laws, except as may hereafter be amended.

  • Require that all Ohio tuition trust fund assets be used for the purpose of the fund, and if the fund is liquidated, require that any remaining assets be transferred to the general revenue fund of the state.7 Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Other Review Section 6 has not been amended or reviewed since its adoption in 1994.

  • To make refunds as provided in divisions (B), (E), and 1005(F) of section 3334.10 of the Revised Code;1006(3) To pay the investment fees and othercosts of1007administering the fund.1008(C)(1) Except as may be provided in an agreement under1009division (A)(19) of section 3334.08 of the Revised Code, all1010disbursements from the Ohio tuition trust fund shall be madeby1011the treasurer of state on order of a designee of the authority.

  • CONTRACTORS TO INVESTIGATE Contractors must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the pit located at 1555 Royston Road, Ryerson Township and adjoining property as indicated by the Public Works Supervisor, in order to assess the methods and general requirements of the work.

  • To these ends there is hereby pledged the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state.All assets that are maintained in the Ohio tuition trust fund shall be used solely for the purposes of that fund.

  • To secure the guarantees required by division (A) of this section, the general assembly shall appropriate money suf- ficient to offset any deficiency that oc- curs in the Ohio tuition trust fund, at any time necessary to make payment of the full amount of any tuition payment or refund that would have been required by a tuition payment contract, except for the contract’s limit of payment to money available in the trust fund.

  • The assets of the Ohio tuition trust authority reserved for payment of the obligations of the authority pursuant to tuition payment contracts shall be placed in a fund, which is hereby created and shall be known as the Ohio tuition trust fund.

  • To these ends there is hereby pledged the full faith and credit and taxing power of the state.‌‌All assets that are maintained in the Ohio tuition trust fund shall be used solely for the purposes of that fund.

Related to Ohio tuition trust fund

  • Liquidating Trust Assets means the assets of a Debtor or Debtor-Controlled Entity to be transferred to a Liquidating Trust as may be determined by the Plan Administrator, which shall be described in a Liquidating Trust Agreement.

  • Delaware Trust Assets Purchaser means the Computershare Delaware Trust Company.

  • Trust Fund The trust fund established by the Trust Agreement, the assets of which consist of the Mortgage Loans and any other assets as set forth therein. Trustee: U.S. Bank National Association, or any successor in interest, or if any successor trustee or co-trustee shall be appointed as provided in the Trust Agreement, then such successor trustee or such co-trustee, as the case may be.

  • the Trust Fund means the Bond(s) referred to in the First Schedule to the Declaration of Trust and the property from time to time representing the same (and also includes any other property which may become Trust Property as a result of any loan to the Trustees or any addition by way of gift or any accumulation of income).

  • Trust Funds means any cash comprised of (i) funds specifically and exclusively used for payroll Taxes, payroll and other employee benefit payments to or for the benefit of any Loan Party’s or its Subsidiaries’ employees, (ii) all Taxes required to be collected, remitted or withheld (including, without limitation, federal and state withholding taxes (including the employer’s share thereof) and (iii) any other funds (A) which any Loan Party holds on behalf of another Person and (B) which such Loan Party holds as an escrow or fiduciary for such Person.

  • Liquidation Trust means the trust created pursuant to the Liquidation Trust Agreement on the Effective Date in accordance with the Plan, the Confirmation Order and the Liquidation Trust Agreement.

  • Liquidation Trust Agreement means the Liquidation Trust Agreement to be dated as of the Effective Date establishing the terms and conditions of the Liquidation Trust, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B.

  • Non-Lead Securitization Trust means the Securitization Trust into which any Non-Lead Securitization Note is deposited.

  • Liquidating Trust Agreement means an agreement evidencing the terms and provisions governing a Liquidating Trust that shall be entered into prior to the establishment of such Liquidating Trust and pursuant to which a Liquidating Trustee shall manage and administer Liquidating Trust Assets.

  • Lead Securitization Trust means the Securitization Trust created in connection with the Lead Securitization.

  • Owner Trust Estate means all right, title and interest of the Trust in and to the property and rights assigned to the Trust pursuant to Article II of the Sale and Servicing Agreement, all funds on deposit from time to time in the Trust Accounts and all other property of the Trust from time to time, including any rights of the Trust pursuant to the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • Plan Trust means the trust governed by the Plan.

  • Litigation Trust Agreement means the trust agreement dated as of the Plan Implementation Date, between SFC and the Litigation Trustee, establishing the Litigation Trust.

  • Liquidation Trustee means the trustee appointed jointly by the Debtors and the Creditors’ Committee, and identified in the Plan Supplement, to serve as the liquidation trustee under the Liquidation Trust Agreement, or any successor appointed in accordance with the terms of the Plan and Liquidation Trust Agreement.

  • Liquidating Trust means the liquidating trust maintained by the Trustee holding the Trust Assets of the Partnership, identified as the "PLM Equipment Growth Fund III Liquidating Trust"; also referred to herein as the "Trust."

  • Trust Assets means, with respect to the Appointments and to the extent held, deposited or invested by any Seller for the benefit of others (whether or not constituting all or a portion of the corpus of any trust) as collateral, trust assets or otherwise by the applicable Corporate Trust Contracts or any other applicable legal obligation, (a) all cash on hand or held in bank accounts (including the Deposits) or in money market funds, and (b) all shares, stock, bonds, debentures, notes, mortgages, guarantees, letters of credit, certificates of indebtedness, warrants, treasuries or other securities or financial instruments or property of any type or description.

  • Note A-1 Trust Fund means the trust formed pursuant to the Note A-1 PSA.

  • Litigation Trust means the trust to be established on the Plan Implementation Date at the time specified in section 6.4(p) in accordance with the Litigation Trust Agreement pursuant to the laws of a jurisdiction that is acceptable to SFC and the Initial Consenting Noteholders, which trust will acquire the Litigation Trust Claims and will be funded with the Litigation Funding Amount in accordance with the Plan and the Litigation Trust Agreement.

  • Note A-4 Trust Fund means the trust formed pursuant to the Note A-4 PSA.

  • Securitization Trust means a trust formed pursuant to a Securitization pursuant to which one or more of the Notes are held.

  • Master Trust Agreement means the Second Amended and Restated Trust Agreement, dated as of May 8, 2019, between Verizon ABS II LLC, as depositor, and the Master Trust Owner Trustee, as amended, restated, supplemented or modified from time to time.

  • Note A-2 Trust Fund means the trust formed pursuant to the Note A-2 PSA.

  • Plan Trustee means the Person appointed pursuant to Article V of the Plan and the Plan Trust Agreement for the purpose of acting as Trustee of the Plan Trust in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Plan, the Plan Trust Agreement and the Confirmation Order.

  • Master Servicing Compensation The meaning specified in Section 3.14.

  • PFPC Trust means PFPC Trust Company or a subsidiary or affiliate of PFPC Trust Company.

  • Liquidating Trustee has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(a).