Oil shale definition
Examples of Oil shale in a sentence
Oil shale may be burned directly or processed by heating to extract shale oil.
Oil shale and oil sands are sedimentary rock that contains organic matter in the form of kerogen.
Oil shale industry wastewater: impact on river microbial community and possibilities for bioremediation.
Oil shale and oil sands are sedimentary rock which contains organic matter in the form of kerogen.
GTL is currently being produced in South Africa, Malaysia and Qatar.59 Oil shale is being processed into fuels in Estonia, China and Brazil.60 GTL, 2,9 Oil shale, 0,9 CTL, 8,7 Bitumen tar sand, 77,0 Extra heavy oil, 93,0 Total production in 2007: 182.5 million t Illustration 14: Production of unconventional fossil fuels in million t in 200761 3.4 Unconventional fossil fuels – description of technologies The following chapter presents the various technologies used in the extraction of unconventional fuels.