Tar sands definition
Examples of Tar sands in a sentence
Tar sands diluted bitumen is significantly more expensive to move by rail than Bakken light crude.
Tar sands: Naturally occurring bitumen-impregnated sands that yield mixtures of liquid hydrocarbon and that require further processing other than mechanical blending before becoming finished petroleum products.
Tar sands, oil sands, oil shales, oil cuttings, and slurry oil contain large quantities of oil, however, extraction of oil from these materials is costly and time-consuming and generally does not yield sufficient quantities of usable oil.
We will discuss the new and amended definitions below where they appear in the regulatory text.The proposed rule would remove thedefinitions of Marketing affiliate, Net- back method, Oil shale, Posted price,Processing, Selling arrange ment and Tar sands because they no longer relate tohow most crude oil is marketed or to the structure of the proposed rules.
Shipping a barrel of tar sands diluted bitumen to the Gulf is currently costing tar sands producers$31 a barrel.147 Moving it by pipeline only costs $8 to $9.50 a barrel.148 Tar sands producers also have much tighter margins than conventional Bakken producers.Tar sands crude is a lower value commodity than Bakken light crude.
Viscosity 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000(m·Pa·s) Conventional crude oil Heavy crude oil Tar sands bitumen Density, (kg/m3)834934966 Figure 2-1 Classification of petroleum based on their viscosity and API gravity [2] 2.1.3 Petroleum residues Residues are the products from the bottom of the distillation tower after all the volatile components have been removed by distillation.
Sectors and companies currently excluded on ethical grounds include those wholly or mainly exposed to: Alcohol Armaments Gambling Pornography Tar sands Thermal coal TobaccoAuthorised Fund Manager will also consider the impact of each company’s activity on the climate with particular reference to its alignment with the targets for climate change set out in the Paris Agreement.
The Panel will not consider the impact of the project on Canada’s ability to meet its greenhouse gas reduction commitments.The Panel does not say that it will consider the impact of the project and wilderness fragmentation on climate change adaptation. Tar sands development impacts: The Panel will not consider impacts of “upstream” tar sands development.
DRA also educates and organizes the public, including ranchers and environmentalists, regarding the State’s permitting process and urges individuals to 2 Tar sands are a mixture of sand, clay, water, and bitumen, a thick black oil that can be refined into synthetic crude oil.
Tar sands mining and production result in three to four times as much greenhouse gas pollution as conventional oil production.