Examples of OPEB Trust in a sentence
The assets of the OPEB Trust Fund cannot be used to support the Town’s operations.
Contributions to the OPEB Trust, or to the interest bearing account holding funds to be transferred to the OPEB Trust upon its creation, are irrevocable and will not be used towards the payment of OPEB benefits before January 1, 2019.
The Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund is established as an investment vehicle for participating employers to accumulate assets to fund OPEB.
The Town will derive funding for the OPEB Trust Fund from taxation, free cash, and any other legal form.
The OPEB Trust was established for the purpose of supplementing the payment of the costs of health care and other post-employment benefits for retirees of the State of Connecticut retiring after the effective date of SEBAC 2011 and its subsequent revisions.
The primary objective of the OPEB Trust Fund’s investment portfolio is to accumulate assets and provide a reliable source of funds to supplement the State of Connecticut’s payment of the costs of other post-employment benefits for retirees of the State of Connecticut.
The investment portfolio of OPEB Trust Fund is overseen by the Treasurer (as principal fiduciary of the CRPTF) and invested in accordance with applicable statutory requirements and fiduciary standards.
The OPEB Trust Fund’s investment objectives are based on a comprehensive review of capital markets, as well as its underlying current and projected funding policy.
The Town reports the following fiduciary funds: The Other Postemployment Benefit (OPEB) Trust Fund is used to account for the assets held by the Town in trust for the payment of future retiree health insurance benefits.
Subsequent agreements in 2009 and 2011 between the State of Connecticut and the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) further addressed the funding for and contractual obligations concerning the OPEB Trust Fund.