Open hearing definition
Examples of Open hearing in a sentence
Upon the failure of any person to comply with a sub- poena issued and upon the request of the party on whose behalf the subpoena was issued, the Solicitor of the Author- ity shall institute proceedings on be- half of such party in the appropriate district court for the enforcement thereof, unless to do so would be incon- sistent with law and the Federal Serv- ice Labor-Management Relations Stat- ute.§ 2423.29 [Reserved]Subpart C—Hearing Procedures§ 2423.30 General rules.(a) Open hearing.
Upon the failureof any person to comply with a sub- poena issued and upon the request of the party on whose behalf the subpoena was issued, the Solicitor of the Author- ity shall institute proceedings on be- half of such party in the appropriate district court for the enforcement thereof, unless to do so would be incon- sistent with law and the Federal Serv- ice Labor-Management Relations Stat- ute.§ 2423.29 [Reserved]Subpart C—Hearing Procedures§ 2423.30 General rules.(a) Open hearing.
Upon the failure of any person to comply with asubpoena issued and upon the request of the party on whose behalf thesubpoena was issued, the Solicitor ofthe Authority shall institute proceedings on behalf of such party in theappropriate district court for theenforcement thereof, unless to do sowould be inconsistent with law and the Federal Service Labor-ManagementRelations Statute.§ 2423.29 [Reserved]Subpart C—Hearing Procedures§ 2423.30 General rules.(a) Open hearing.
PM-111.3 Notice of meeting: The board shall meet upon notice from the chairman, within ten days of the filing of an appeal, or at stated periodic meetings.PM-111.4 Open hearing: All hearings before the board shall be open to the public.
A member shall not hear an appeal in which that member has a personal, professional or financial interest.2. Notice of meeting: The Board of Supervisors shall meet upon notice from the Township Secretary, within thirty (30) days of the filing of an appeal, or at stated periodic meetings.3. Open hearing: All hearings before the Board of Supervisors shall be open to the public.
Input is sought from constituencies and public.Oregon Regulations: An Advisory Committee with final approval by the Certification Board and Dean; Fees: Open hearing process (by law), OSCS must be self-supporting, thus fees are adjusted to maintain the project.Washington Regulations and fees are changed by following the state rule making process which requires public hearings and accepting testimony from growers.
Open hearing time at 6:31 pm – Chris Gutierrez asked, “If the parking is for employees only, is there going to be a gate or security guard on patrol to keep others from parking there.” Jeff stated Staff will get to the facility early and will take most, if not all of the parking spaces prior to business hours.
Open hearing time at 6:19 pm - No comment given - Closing hearing time at 6:20 pm Motion to approve Ord.
Open hearing Filing of affidavit of publication – 8/18/20 Written comments or objections Oral comments or objections Close hearing Documents: AIS 9A.
The designation author has indicated that the designation proposal will not be completed by the September 12, 2005 meeting, and requests that the item be continued to October 3, 2005.• Staff Recommendation: Open hearing, take testimony and continue to October 3, 2005 meeting.