Evidentiary Hearing definition
Examples of Evidentiary Hearing in a sentence
In the absence of a demand for an Evidentiary Hearing, the Board shall act upon the recommendation after the time period for an evidentiary hearing demand has expired.
If the decision after the Preliminary Hearing is to amend or continue the proposed disciplinary action, the action shall be implemented pending an Evidentiary Hearing before the Governing Board or a hearing officer.
Such Demand for an Evidentiary Hearing Form shall be delivered on or before the sixth (6th) working day after receipt of the Notice of the Decision of Preliminary Hearing to the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer.
If the Notice of the Decision of Preliminary Hearing contains an action to either amend or continue the proposed decision, the employee shall receive a form that constitutes a denial of the charges and a demand for an Evidentiary Hearing.
In accordance with 170 IAC 1-1.1-18(h), if the prefiled testimony of a witness is to be offered into evidence at the Evidentiary Hearing, and the witness sponsoring the prefiled testimony is not required to, and does not, attend the Evidentiary Hearing, the prefiled testimony shall be accompanied by the witness’s sworn affidavit or written verification at the time the evidence is offered into the record.