Open pit definition
Examples of Open pit in a sentence
Once an orebody is discovered and defined by exploration, there are three common ways to mine uranium, depending on the depth of the orebody and the deposit’s geological characteristics: • Open pit mining is used if the ore is near the surface.
Open pit ore production re-commenced in 2012 and was completed in July 2013.
Open pit mining at the Çöpler project is carried out by a mining contractor and managed by Anagold.
Quarry / Open pit BF= Back filled; WR = Water reservoir; OM = Other means; Remarks = Under remarks give post mining land use of the area reclaimed.
The mineral resource estimate for the NICO deposit was prepared by P&E and is presented in Table 1.2. Open pit mineral resources are reported against a C$46 per tonne net smelter return (“NSR”) cut-off, as constrained within an optimized pit shell.