Business Area means an adjacent area that is zoned by a state, county, township, or municipal zoning authority for industrial or commercial purposes, customarily referred to as "b" or business, "c" or commercial, "i" or industrial, "m" or manufacturing, and "s" or service, and all other similar classifications and that is within a city, village, or charter township or is within 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township or is beyond 1 mile of the corporate limits of a city, village, or charter township and contains 1 or more permanent structures devoted to the industrial or commercial purposes described in this subdivision and that extends along the highway a distance of 800 feet beyond each edge of the activity. Each side of the highway is considered separately in applying this definition except that where it is not topographically feasible for a sign or sign structure to be erected or maintained on the same side of the highway as the permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes, a business area may be established on the opposite side of a primary highway in an area zoned commercial or industrial or in an unzoned area with the approval of the state highway commission. A permanent structure devoted to industrial or commercial purposes does not result in the establishment of a business area on both sides of the highway. All measurements shall be from the outer edge of the regularly used building, parking lot, or storage or processing area of the commercial or industrial activity and not from the property lines of the activities and shall be along or parallel to the edge or pavement of the highway. Commercial or industrial purposes are those activities generally restricted to commercial or industrial zones in jurisdictions that have zoning. In addition, the following activities are not commercial or industrial:
Property owners association" or "association" means an incorporated or unincorporated entity upon
Property Management Agreement means any property management agreement in respect of the Property or any portion thereof entered into in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Title V operating permit means a permit issued under Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code.
Operating Plan means a plan adopted or amended under this section for the development, redevelopment, maintenance, operation and promotion of a business improvement district, including all of the following:
Farm operation means any activity conducted solely or primarily for the production of one or more agricultural products or commodities, including timber, for sale or home use, and customarily producing such products or commodities in sufficient quantity to be capable of contributing materially to the operator's support.
Project Company means Company incorporated by the bidder as per Indian Laws in accordance with Clause no 3.5.
Operating Area means those areas on-shore in India in which company or its affiliated company may from time to time be entitled to execute such services/operations.
Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.
Property Manager means an entity that has been retained to perform and carry out at one or more of the Properties property-management services, excluding persons, entities or independent contractors retained or hired to perform facility management or other services or tasks at a particular Property, the costs for which are passed through to and ultimately paid by the tenant at such Property.
operating site means a site, other than an aerodrome, selected by the operator or pilot-in-command or commander for landing, take-off and/or external load operations;
Tourism destination project means a qualified non-gaming business facility that will be among the most visited privately owned or operated tourism or recreation sites in the State, and which is located within the qualified incentive area and has been determined by the authority to be in an area appropriate for development and in need of economic development incentive assistance, including a non-gaming business within an established Tourism District with a significant impact on the economic viability of that District.
Construction Management Agreement means the Construction Management Agreement, dated as of the date of the Common Agreement, between Construction Manager and the Project Company.