Operating Lease Payment definition

Operating Lease Payment means the monthly fee charged to the Strata Corporation, a common expense obligation, by EIC to the Strata Corporation for the ongoing lease and supply and use of Geoexchange temperature transference ground exchange systems for the provision of HVAC services in the Strata Corporation and Strata Lot property, including all HVAC services to individual strata lots and common property areas. These fees are those of an Operating Lease.
Operating Lease Payment means the quarterly lease payment of XXX to SRP for use of the Leased Fiber.
Operating Lease Payment means rent and any other payments made pursuant to any lease of (or other agreement conveying the right to use) real and/or personal property other than a Capitalized Lease.

Examples of Operating Lease Payment in a sentence

  • The Operating Lease Payment is -------------------------- calculated by multiplying the Net Operating Income by the Operating Lease Percentage.

  • The following formula shall be used at the ------------------------------ end of each of the 16th through the 35th calendar quarters of the Base Case Financial Model to compute Net Operating Income for the purpose of calculating the Operating Lease Payment: Gross Margin Less: Current Direct Operating Costs ------------------------------ Equals: Subtotal Net Operating Income, if positive or (Unreimbursed Direct Operating Expenses), if negative.

  • The Operating Lease Payment amount, if any, shall be recalculated each year throughout the Term as part of the annual budgeting process described in Section 5.3.

  • For any given quarter during the Term, ----------------------- including the period between the effective date of this Agreement and December 31, 1996, the amount of the Operating Lease Payment, if any, shall be the Operating Lease Percentage multiplied by Net Operating Income for the quarter, plus or minus any adjustments required by Section 5.6(b).

  • As in other scenarios, the incremental cost technically reflects the difference in gross costs between the partially substituting program and BAU.

  • To the extent payable under the terms ------------------------ of the Base Case Financial Model, XXX shall make Operating Lease Payments to SRP consistent with the following: (a) Operating Lease Payments shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter; (b) an Operating Lease Payment shall not be considered late if paid within fifteen (15) days after it is due; and (c) each late payment will bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum until paid.

  • The future minimum lease payments due under non-cancellable leases in future years are: Operating Lease Payment profile The expenditure charged to the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement during the year in relation to operating leases was: Operating Lease costs2009/102010/11 £000‟s£000’sOperating Lease payments4,4284,107 There were no contingent rents or sublease payments.Council as Lessor Operating LeasesThe Council leases out property under operating leases for investment purposes.

  • However, as consideration for ELI's use of the SRP Network, XXX shall pay to SRP an Operating Lease Payment in accordance with the terms and assumptions set forth in the Base Case Financial Model.

  • Services shall be paid on a monthly basis and shall be in addition to any quarterly Operating Lease Payment payable by XXX to SRP.

  • The results of the budgeting process and Base Case Financial Model update shall be the basis for calculating the Operating Lease Payment for the coming year.

Related to Operating Lease Payment

  • Sublease Payment means any payment required to be made by the District pursuant to Article 7 of the Sublease.

  • Lease Payment means any form of payment, including a land lease, by a public entity to the private entity for the use of a qualifying project.

  • Lease Payments means the rental payments described in Exhibit A hereto.

  • Operating Lease of a Person means any lease of Property (other than a Capitalized Lease) by such Person as lessee which has an original term (including any required renewals and any renewals effective at the option of the lessor) of one year or more.

  • Lease Payment Date means, with respect to any Interest Payment Date, the 5th Business Day immediately preceding such Interest Payment Date.

  • Operating Leases means all real or personal property leases under which any Company is bound or obligated as a lessee or sublessee and which, under GAAP, are not required to be capitalized on a balance sheet of such Company; provided that Operating Leases shall not include any such lease under which any Company is also bound as the lessor or sublessor.

  • Fixed Rent shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1 hereof.

  • Residential rental property means property that is used solely as leased or rented property for residential purposes. If the property is a space rental mobile home park, residential rental property includes the rental space that is leased or rented by the owner of that rental space but does not include the mobile home or recreational vehicle that serves as the actual dwelling if the dwelling is owned and occupied by the tenant of the rental space and not by the owner of the rental space.

  • Rent as used in this Section 21 shall be deemed to be and to mean all sums of every nature required to be paid by Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease, whether to Landlord or to others. As used in Sections 21(c)(ii)(A) and (B), above, the “worth at the time of award” shall be computed by allowing interest at the Default Rate. As used in Section 21(c)(ii)(C) above, the “worth at the time of award” shall be computed by discounting such amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award plus 1%.

  • Rental Charges means the charges payable for renting the Vehicle from Us together with GST and any other taxes or levies which are all fully set out in the Rental Agreement.

  • Gross Rent means the rent for a set-aside unit, including any applicable utility allowances, in compliance with the rent limits applicable to the property for 2020. Gross rent does include optional fees included in the household’s lease, including but not limited to, washer/dryer, cable, parking, etc., as long as they are included in the lease or addendums to the lease. In addition, when a utility that is purchased from or through a local utility company by the Development, who in turn bills residents for actual consumption of the utility will also be eligible when the applicable utility allowance for the Development includes a deduction for the utility and the household’s lease specifies that the resident is responsible for the utility.

  • Basic Rent means Basic Rent as defined in Paragraph 6.

  • Additional Rent means all amounts payable by the Tenant under this Lease except Base Rent, whether or not specifically designated as Additional Rent elsewhere in this Lease;

  • Parking space leasing data means the following government data on an application for, or lease of, a parking space: residence address, home telephone number, beginning and ending work hours, place of employment, location of parking space, and work telephone number.

  • Ground Lease means a lease creating a leasehold estate in real property where the fee owner as the ground lessor conveys for a term or terms of years its entire interest in the land and buildings and other improvements, if any, comprising the premises demised under such lease to the ground lessee (who may, in certain circumstances, own the building and improvements on the land), subject to the reversionary interest of the ground lessor as fee owner. With respect to any Mortgage Loan where the Mortgage Loan is secured by a Ground Leasehold estate in whole or in part, and the related Mortgage does not also encumber the related lessor’s fee interest in such Mortgaged Property, based upon the terms of the Ground Lease and any estoppel or other agreement received from the ground lessor in favor of Mortgage Loan Seller, its successors and assigns (collectively, the “Ground Lease and Related Documents”), Mortgage Loan Seller represents and warrants that:

  • Property Management Fee means the fee payable to the Manager for its day-to-day management of the Property pursuant to the Management Agreement.