Examples of Operating Sections in a sentence
Each Participant must define its participation profile in relation to its business as a Giver and/or Receiver through the electronic channels as in Annex 2.2, in accordance with the following rules and parameters; it is reserved the right of application of the rules defined by Central Counterparties and by the Market Management Company with reference to their Operating Sections where indicated.
It is further agreed that for RFT employees working in the classification of Labourer 1, work will cease as determined by each Operating Section (Current Operating Sections include: Environmental Programs, Fleet, Parks, Roads & Construction, Sewage & Drainage, Water, and Work Control Centre) and a reduction of the RFT Labourer 1s is to be accomplished within each Operating Section by roughly following the “last in, first out” rule within the Operating Section’s service list.
This item normally shows the value of appropriations transferred out of the Operating Sections into the Capital Sections for use in capital expenditure.
Exhibit 3-1: Commercial Readiness of Plant Operating Sections Operating SectionComponent Availability Gasifier Commercially AvailableSES U-Gas design is a mature, stable, and established commercial design.
Work will cease as determined by each Operating Section (Current Operating Sections Include: Environmental Programs, Fleet, Parks, Roads & Construction, Sewage & Drainage, Water, and Work Control Centre) and a reduction of the TFT’s is to be accomplished within each Operating Section by roughly following the “last in, first out” rule within the Operating Section‘s service list.
Work will cease as determined by each Operating Section (Current Operating Sections Include: Environmental Programs, Fleet, Parks, Roads & Construction, Sewage & Drainage, Water, and Work Control Centre) and a reduction of the TFT’s is to be accomplished within each Operating Section by roughly following the “last in, first out” rule within the Operating Section’s service list.
It was a comprehensive study to cover Railway Line, Traction Power Supply, Train Operation Safety System, Transport Control System, Headway at peak hour, Train formulation, Required number of train-sets, Depot, Year to be opened, Operating Sections, demand forecast, Section of Maximum Passengers Volume, Maximum Passengers Volume in Peak Hour (Passengers/Peak Hour-Direction), Total number of trains ( per day), Cost, Economic Analysis and Financial Analysis.
IFRS 8 Operating Sections Changes are as follows: i) Operating sections may be aggregated or consolidated with core principles of standards consistently.
The Insurance as provided by this Policy will be the Cover as stipulated in the Policy Schedule, the Operating Sections as shown next to the Cover in the following table apply.
The evaluation has sought to ascertain whether the project has achieved its key aim of preventing family violence through the provision of legal advice.As the project includes a range of different partners and separate strategies to achieve the project aim, there are a number of questions which have been used to examine workers experience of the project.