Operating Segment Revenue definition

Operating Segment Revenue means, for any calendar year, the revenue for the Starz Networks operating segment of the Company, based on revenue for such operating segment as reported in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for that calendar year.

Examples of Operating Segment Revenue in a sentence

  • Operating Segment Revenue Net Profit (loss) (US$ million)FY15FY14%ChangeFY15FY14*% ChangeCoal mining & trading2,4913,102-20%195200-3%Mining services123139-12%2024-17%Others70*As restated due to implementation of PSAK 24 (Revised 2013), “Employee Benefits”.

  • Operating Segment Revenue Contributions (in millions)Quarter EndTotal RevenueCore U.S.

  • Specifically, the Group’s reportable segments under IFRS 8 “Operating Segments” were as follows: Segment revenue and results The following was an analysis of the Group’s revenue and results from continuing operations by reportable segments: Operating Segment Revenue Operating Segment Income Segment profit represents the profit before tax earned by each segment without interest income, other income, other gains and losses, finance cost and share of profit of associates.

Related to Operating Segment Revenue

  • Project Revenue means all net rents, proceeds, revenue and other income derived by the City by virtue of any lease, sale, conveyance or other disposition of any part of the Project, plus all sums received by the City as a result of damage to or destruction or condemnation of the Project, but shall not mean any part of the Tax Revenue.

  • Project Revenues means revenues derived from the service of Project Water to Contractors and others, and from the sale or other disposal of electrical energy generated in connection with operation of Project Facilities.

  • Operating Revenue means amounts accrued or charge to customers, cli- ents, and tenants, for the sale of prod- ucts manufactured or purchased for re- sale, for services, and for rentals of property held primarily for leasing to others. It includes both reimbursable costs and fees under cost-type con- tracts and percentage-of-completion sales accruals except that it includesonly the fee for management contracts under which the contractor acts essen- tially as an agent of the Government in the erection or operation of Govern- ment-owned facilities. It excludes inci- dental interest, dividends, royalty, and rental income, and proceeds from the sale of assets used in the business.

  • Net Revenue means an entity’s total revenue less its operating expenses, interest paid, depreciation, and taxes. “Net Revenue” is synonymous with “Profit.”

  • Gross Revenue means:

  • Net Revenues means the difference between:

  • net non-operating income means the difference between:

  • Projected PJM Market Revenues means a component of the Market Seller Offer Cap calculated in accordance with Tariff, Attachment DD, section 6. Proportional Multi-Driver Project: “Proportional Multi-Driver Project” shall have the same meaning provided in the Operating Agreement. Pseudo-Tie:

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Operating Revenues means, for any, period, the gross revenues arising from the ownership and operation of the Properties during such period, including proceeds of any business interruption or rental loss insurance and amounts released from reserves, but specifically excluding Capital Proceeds, Capital Contributions and proceeds of Indebtedness.

  • Annual Operating Budget has the meaning set forth in Section 4.11.

  • Net Operating Income With respect to any Mortgaged Property, for any Mortgagor’s fiscal year end, Net Operating Income will be calculated in accordance with the standard definition of “Net Operating Income” approved from time to time endorsed and put forth by CREFC®.

  • Gross Operating Revenues means, for any period of time for any Hotel Property, without duplication, all income and proceeds of sales of every kind (whether in cash or on credit and computed on an accrual basis) received by the owner (or, if such Hotel Property is ground leased, the ground lessee) of such Hotel Property or the applicable Operating Lessee or Manager for the use, occupancy or enjoyment of such Hotel Property or the sale of any goods, services or other items sold on or provided from such Hotel Property in the ordinary course of operation of such Hotel Property, including, without limitation, all income received from tenants, transient guests, lessees, licensees and concessionaires and other services to guests at such Hotel Property, and the proceeds from business interruption insurance, but excluding the following: (i) any excise, sales or use taxes or similar governmental charges collected directly from patrons or guests, or as a part of the sales price of any goods, services or displays, such as gross receipts, admission, cabaret or similar or equivalent taxes; (ii) receipts from condemnation awards or sales in lieu of or under threat of condemnation; (iii) proceeds of insurance (other than business interruption insurance); (iv) other allowances and deductions as provided by the Uniform System in determining the sum contemplated by this definition, by whatever name, it may be called; (v) proceeds of sales, whether dispositions of capital assets, FF&E or equipment (other than sales of Inventory in the ordinary course of business); (vi) gross receipts received by tenants, lessees (other than Operating Lessees), licensees or concessionaires of the owner (or, if such Hotel Property is ground leased, the ground lessee) of such Hotel Property; (vii) consideration received at such Hotel Property for hotel accommodations, goods and services to be provided at other hotels although arranged by, for or on behalf of, and paid over to, the applicable Manager; (viii) tips, service charges and gratuities collected for the benefit of employees; (ix) proceeds of any financing; (x) working capital provided by the Parent Guarantor or any Subsidiary of the Parent Guarantor or the applicable Operating Lessee; (xi) amounts collected from guests or patrons of such Hotel Property on behalf of tenants of such Hotel Property and other third parties; (xii) the value of any goods or services in excess of actual amounts paid (in cash or services) provided by the applicable Manager on a complimentary or discounted basis; and (xiii) other income or proceeds resulting other than from the use or occupancy of such Hotel Property, or any part thereof, or other than from the sale of goods, services or other items sold on or provided from such Hotel Property in the ordinary course of business. Gross Operating Revenues shall be reduced by credits or refunds to guests at such Hotel Property.

  • Operating Month for a Shipper or Transferor means any calendar month in which Carrier either transports Crude Petroleum or recognizes and records a change in ownership of Crude Petroleum for the account of such Party. For purposes hereof the calendar month shall be deemed to begin at 7:00 a.m. (Central Time) on the first day of such month.

  • Property EBITDA means for any property owned by Ventas, Inc. or any of its Subsidiaries as of the date of determination, for any period of time, the net income (loss) derived from such property for such period, before deductions for (without duplication):

  • Operating Profit means the excess of Gross Revenues over the following deductions (“Deductions”) incurred by Manager, on behalf of Owner, in operating the Hotel:

  • Net Sales Revenue shall have the meaning as set out in Schedule "A"

  • CAISO Revenues means the net amount resulting from (a) the credits and other payments received by Buyer, as Seller’s Scheduling Coordinator, as a result of test energy from the Project delivered by Seller during the Test Period, including revenues associated with CAISO dispatches and (b) the debits, costs, penalties and interest that are directly assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO Global Resource ID for the Project for, or attributable to, scheduling and deliveries from the Project under this Agreement, which amount may result in a negative or positive value.

  • Gross Revenues means all amounts actually collected as rents or other charges for the use and occupancy of the Properties, but shall exclude interest and other investment income of Owner and proceeds received by Owner for a sale, exchange, condemnation, eminent domain taking, casualty or other disposition of assets of Owner.

  • Operating Period for any Element of the Project shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of such Element of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date and for the Project, shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date;

  • MONTHLY KILOMETREAGE STATEMENT CUM BILL means the format specified by the Company.

  • Gross Operating Profit For any Fiscal Year, the excess of Gross Revenues for such Fiscal Year over Gross Operating Expenses for such Fiscal Year.

  • Annualized Operating Cash Flow means, for any fiscal quarter, the Operating Cash Flow for such fiscal quarter multiplied by four.

  • Annual Operating Expenses for the Class means and will consist only of the following operating expenses of the Series for the Class that are, under generally accepted accounting principles, accruable and deductible from the Series’ assets with respect to the Class for the calendar year involved: (i) investment advisory fees, if any; (ii) Rule 12b-1 distribution fees, if any; and (iii) custodian fees, shareholder servicing fees, administrative and office facilities expenses, professional fees, trustees’ fees and any other operating expenses of the Series with respect to the Class that are recorded or includable in the Series’ statement of operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Notwithstanding the provisions of the immediately preceding sentence, the Series’ “Annual Operating Expenses” for the Class do not include interest and dividends on securities sold short, amortization of organization expenses, taxes, brokerage commissions, litigation and indemnification expenses or any costs or expenses of or for the Series with respect to the Class that are “extraordinary” as determined under generally accepted accounting principles (see Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30). Very truly yours, ROYCE & ASSOCIATES, LLC By: /s/ Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Chief Operating Officer ACCEPTED: THE ROYCE FUND By: /s/ Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx Vice President [ROYCE & ASSOCIATES, LLC LETTERHEAD] December 31, 2006 The Royce Fund 0000 Xxxxxx xx xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxx, XX 00000 Re: Fee Waiver and Expense Reimbursement - Royce Micro-Cap Fund (Service Class) Gentlemen: Reference is made to the Investment Advisory Agreement dated October 1, 2001 (the “Agreement”) by and between The Royce Fund (the “Fund”) on behalf of Royce Micro-Cap Fund (the “Series”) and Royce & Associates (the “Adviser”). Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 (Compensation of the Adviser) of the Agreement, the Adviser hereby waives compensation for services provided by it under the Agreement for the calendar year ending December 31, 2007, and/or agrees to reimburse expenses relating to such calendar year to the Series with respect to the Class in an amount, if any, necessary so that the Series’ “Annual Operating Expenses” for its Service Class of shares (the “Class”) are not more than 1.66% of the Class’ average net assets for such calendar year. The Adviser hereby also waives compensation for services provided by it under the Agreement to the Series with respect to the Class, and/or agrees to reimburse expenses to the Series with respect to the Class for each subsequent calendar year through the year ending December 31, 2015 (but not for any calendar year thereafter) in an amount, if any, necessary so that the Series’ Annual Operating Expenses for the Class are not more than 1.99% of the Class’ average net assets for such calendar year. The Adviser’s obligations to reimburse the Series with respect to the Class hereunder will not apply for any period when the Adviser is not rendering services to such Series under the Agreement.

  • Adjusted EBITDA means, for the twelve (12) month period preceding the calculation date, for any Person, the sum of (a) Net Income, plus (b) to the extent deducted in determining Net Income, the sum, without duplication, of such Person’s (i) Interest Expense, (ii) income tax expense, including, without limitation, taxes paid or accrued based on income, profits or capital, including state, franchise and similar taxes and foreign withholding taxes, (iii) depreciation and amortization (including, without limitation, amortization of goodwill and other intangible assets), (iv) extraordinary losses and non-recurring non-cash charges and expenses, (v) all other non-cash charges, expenses and interest (including, without limitation, any non-cash losses in respect of Hedge Agreements, non-cash impairment charges, non-cash valuation charges for stock option grants or vesting of restricted stock awards or any other non-cash compensation charges, and losses from the early extinguishment of Indebtedness), (vi) non-recurring integration costs and expenses resulting from operational changes and improvements (including, without limitation, severance costs and business optimization expenses) and (vii) non-recurring charges and expenses, restructuring charges, transaction expenses (including, without limitation, transaction expenses incurred in connection with any merger or acquisition) and underwriters’ fees, and severance and retention payments in connection with any merger or acquisition, in each case for such period, less extraordinary gains and cash payments (not otherwise deducted in determining Net Income) made during such period with respect to non-cash charges that were added back in a prior period; provided, however, (A) with respect to any Person that became a Subsidiary of the Borrower, or was merged with or consolidated into the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, during such period, or any acquisition by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries of the assets of any Person during such period, “Adjusted EBITDA” shall, at the option of the Borrower in respect of any or all of the foregoing, also include the Adjusted EBITDA of such Person or attributable to such assets, as applicable, during such period as if such acquisition, merger or consolidation, including any concurrent transaction entered into by such Person or with respect to such assets as part of such acquisition, merger or consolidation, had occurred on the first day of such period and (B) with respect to any Person that has ceased to be a Subsidiary of the Borrower during such period, or any material assets of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries sold or otherwise disposed of by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries during such period, “Adjusted EBITDA” shall exclude the Adjusted EBITDA of such Person or attributable to such assets, as applicable, during such period as if such sale or disposition of such Subsidiary or such assets had occurred on the first day of such period.

  • Annualized EBITDA means, for the four consecutive quarters ending on each Reporting Date, the Operating Partnership’s Pro Rata Share (as defined below) of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”), with other adjustments as are necessary to exclude the effect of all realized or unrealized gains and losses related to hedging obligations, items classified as extraordinary items and impairment charges in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, adjusted to reflect the assumption that (i) any EBITDA related to any assets acquired or placed in service since the first day of such four-quarter period had been earned, on an annualized basis, from the beginning of such period, and (ii) any assets disposed of during such four-quarter period had been disposed of as of the first day of such period and no EBITDA related to such assets had been earned during such period.