Operation of a motor vehicle definition

Operation of a motor vehicle means operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a vehicle. Operation of a motor vehicle does not include conduct within the course of a business of repairing, servicing, or otherwise maintaining a motor vehicle unless the injury occurs off the business premises, or conduct in the course of loading and unloading the vehicle unless the injury occurs while occupying the motor vehicle.
Operation of a motor vehicle means operation, maintenance, or use of a motor
Operation of a motor vehicle means operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a vehicle. Operation of a motor vehicle does not include conduct within the course of a business of repairing, servicing, or otherwise maintaining a motor vehicles vehicle unless

Examples of Operation of a motor vehicle in a sentence

  • Operation of a motor vehicle without authorization from the Department authorities; the operation of a company-owned, job-related vehicle for any purpose other than work; or transportation in any vehicle without prior authority from Department administrators.

  • DateType of LocationCircumstances Motor Vehicle Operation Operation of a motor vehicle is an integral part of the position of peace officer and firefighter medic.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle without authorization from the Department authorities; the operation of a company- owned, job-related vehicle for any purpose other than work; or transportation in any vehicle for any purpose other than work; or transportation in any vehicle without prior authority from Department administrators.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds maximum registered gross weight on the highways of this state without a special fuels permit, IFTA license, or an Idaho ninety-six (96) hour trip permit is hereby deemed to be an act tending to prejudice the collection of the special fuels tax and an act that renders wholly or partially ineffective the procedures for collection of that tax.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle upon Airport roadways by a Commercial Operator for the purposes of soliciting or attempting to solicit passengers in any location other than in the loading and unloading areas specifically authorized for such use in these regulations.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as proscribed in R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(a), is the basic OVI offense.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle without wearing a safety belt or while any front seat passenger is not wearing a safety belt is a class B traffic infraction.

  • MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION Operation of a motor vehicle is an integral part of this position, and an investigation of your driving history will be made.

  • Operation of a motor vehicle that results in a judicial or administrative proceeding involving the revocation, suspension or limitation of an employee’s driver’s license shall immediately suspend that employee’s right to operate a motor vehicle in the conduct of County business.

  • Three officers assist in charging Ryan Tilly, 23, of Londonderry with Disobeying an Offi- cer; Reckless Operation of a motor vehicle; and Speeding 16-20 miles per hour Over a Limit of 55 or Less.2:26 p.m. Complaint in- vestigated on Robin Hood Drive.

More Definitions of Operation of a motor vehicle

Operation of a motor vehicle means the operation of a Zoo owned or leased vehicle or the operation of a personal vehicle being used while performing job duties.
Operation of a motor vehicle means any motor vehicle as defined herein which has its engine running.

Related to Operation of a motor vehicle

  • Electric motor vehicle means a motor vehicle that is powered solely by an

  • Used motor vehicle means any vehicle other than a new motor vehicle as defined in this section.

  • New motor vehicle means a motor vehicle, regardless of the mileage of the vehicle, the legal or

  • Commercial motor vehicle means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:

  • Antique motor vehicle means every motor vehicle, as defined in this section, which was actually

  • Motor vehicle means land vehicles propelled other than by muscular power, such as automobiles, motorcycles, autocycles, and low speed vehicles. For the purposes of this definition, motor vehicle does not include farm equipment, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, motorized wheelchairs, go-carts, gas buggies, golf carts, ski-slope grooming machines, or vehicles that run only on rails or tracks.

  • Motor vehicle fuel means gasoline and any other

  • Uninsured motor vehicle means a land motor vehicle or trailer of any type:

  • Underinsured motor vehicle means a land motor vehicle or trailer of any type to which a bodily injury liability bond or policy applies at the time of the accident but its limit for bodily injury liability is less than the limit of liability for this coverage.

  • Regulated motor vehicle surface means any of the following, alone or in combination:

  • Motor vehicle salesperson or "salesperson" means any person who is licensed as and employed as a

  • Franchised motor vehicle dealer means a dealer in new motor vehicles that has a franchise

  • Motor Vehicles means motor vehicles, tractors, trailers and other like property, whether or not the title thereto is governed by a certificate of title or ownership.

  • Used motor vehicle dealer means a person that is engaged in the business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used motor vehicles and that has an established place of business in this state at which it conducts that business. The term does not include a new motor vehicle dealer purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in used motor vehicles as part of its business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in new motor vehicles.

  • Transfer Vehicle means any vehicle that operates in space and transfers Payloads or persons or both between two different space objects, between two different locations on the same space object, or between a space object and the surface of a celestial body. A Transfer Vehicle also includes a vehicle that departs from and returns to the same location on a space object.

  • Independent motor vehicle dealer means a dealer in used motor vehicles.

  • Your vehicle means an Eligible Vehicle purchased by You being the vehicle specified on the certificate of insurance.

  • Motor vehicle surface means any pervious or impervious surface that is intended to be used by “motor vehicles” and/or aircraft, and is directly exposed to precipitation including, but not limited to, driveways, parking areas, parking garages, roads, racetracks, and runways.

  • New motor vehicle dealer means a person, including a distributor, that holds a dealer agreement granted by a manufacturer, distributor, or importer for the sale or distribution of its motor vehicles; is engaged in the business of purchasing, selling, exchanging, or dealing in new motor vehicles; and has an established place of business in this state.

  • Motor vehicle dealer or "dealer" means any person who:

  • passenger vehicle means a motor vehicle (other than a motor cycle or invalid carriage) constructed solely for the carriage of passengers and their effects and adapted to carry not more than twelve passengers exclusive of the driver, and not drawing a trailer;

  • Motor vehicle manufacturer means a person that:

  • Motor vehicle record or "MVR" means a driving record under Subsection 53-3-109(6)(a).

  • Toy vehicle means any motorized or propellant-driven device that has no manufacturer-issued

  • Electric vehicle means a road vehicle that draws propulsion energy only from an on-board source of electrical energy.

  • At-home recovery visit means the period of a visit required to provide at home recovery care, without limit on the duration of the visit, except each consecutive four (4) hours in a twenty-four-hour period of services provided by a care provider is one visit.