Examples of Operations Date in a sentence
Subject to the terms set forth in this Section 10.01, the initial term of this Agreement (the “Initial Term”) shall commence on the Operations Date and shall continue for a period of five years.
Except as set forth on Schedule 4.01(d), such PTO has listed on one of Schedule 2.01(a) or Schedule 2.01(b), all of the transmission facilities with a voltage level of 69 kV or greater that it owns in the New England Control Area as of the Operations Date and all of the transmission facilities leased to it with a voltage level of 69 kV or greater in the New England Control Area as of the Operations Date.
No Party, by executing this Agreement, shall waive any rights to seek rehearing of a Commission order or to appeal a Commission order, including Commission orders concerning the terms and conditions of the NEPOOL tariff and market rules in effect prior to the Operations Date to the extent such terms and conditions have been incorporated into the ISO Tariff.
The ISO and the Initial Participating Transmission Owners shall jointly issue a written notice (the “Notice of Operations Date”) at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the Operations Date.
The Notice of Operations Date shall be posted on the ISO website and filed with FERC on an informational basis.