Examples of OPRA Plan in a sentence
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed OPRA Plan amendment is consistent with the Act.
In addition, subjecting fee reductions to a two-thirds vote would harmonize the Plan with the counterpart requirement under the OPRA Plan.
Based on the obtained findings, several recommendations were made.
As discussed above, the Exchange has also represented that the requirement under the OPRA Plan is included in the Cboe Global Markets Global Data Agreement and Cboe Global Markets North American Data Policies, which subscribers to any exchange proprietary product must sign and are subject to, respectively.
The New York Stock Exchange is a signatory to the OPRA Plan, but sold its options business to the Chicago Board Options Exchange in 1997.
BX must join: (1) the OPRA Plan; (2) the OLPP; (3) the Linkage Plan; and (4) the Plan of the Options Regulatory Surveillance Authority.
OPRA proposes to change its structure from a committee of national securities exchanges acting jointly pursuant to the OPRA Plan to a limited liability company organized under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act of which its participating national securities exchanges will be members.
The Commission believes that those innovations willcontinue to facilitate the fair andreasonable distribution of delayed data even though redistributors of delayed options data will be required to pay a redistribution fee.It is therefore ordered, pursuant to Section 11A(a)(3)(B) of the Act, 22 that the amendment (S7–8–90) to the OPRA Plan be, and hereby is, approved.For the Commission by the Division of Market Regulation, pursuant todelegated authority.
The OPRA Plan provides for the collection and dissemination of last sale and quotation information on options that are traded on the member exchanges.
See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 42755 (May 4, 2000), 65 FR 30148 (May 10, 2000) (File No.4–434).4 The proposed OPRA Plan amendmentby which to allocate existing capacity to ISE.