Examples of Order 84 in a sentence
The chief executive must send the agenda to every member of a meeting at least two clear working days before the day of the meeting, except in the case of an extraordinary meeting (see Standing Order 8.4).
Under Standing Order 84 the meeting may be adjourned for up to fifteen minutes for a public session.
If more than one nomination is received the election shall proceed by ballot by removing the nominee with the lowest number of votes until one of the nominees has received an absolute majority of the votes cast.3. Under the Authority’s Standing Order 8.4 any member nominated for an appointment may at their absolute discretion (and in alphabetical order) address the meeting for up to 2 minutes immediately before the ballot is conducted.
All changes to VMI’s academic program and curriculum must be according to the procedures in General Order 84, Purpose Statement.
Winklevoss Order, 84 FR at 37582; Wilshire Phoenix Order, 85 FR at 12597.
Winklevoss II Order, 83 FR at 37580, 37582-91; Bitwise Order, 84 FR at 55383, 55385-406; Wilshire Phoenix Order, 85 FR at 12597.
Under the Authority’s Standing Order 8.4 any member nominated for an appointment may at their absolute discretion (and in alphabetical order) address the meeting for up to 2 minutes immediately before the ballot is conducted.
Winklevoss Order, 84 FR at 37580, 37582-91; Bitwise Order, 84 FR at 55383, 55385-406; Wilshire Phoenix Order, 85 FR at 12597.
Large Diameter Welded Pipe From Canada: Antidumping Duty Order, 84 Fed.
You Have a Say In That,” New Tribune (June 16, 2020), https://www.thenewstribune.com/opinion/editorials/article243566112.html.6 See e.g., R.L. Snow, “Accreditation: A 21st Century Necessity?,” 40 Law and Order 84, 84 (1992); Manuel P.