Orifice ring definition

Orifice ring means a ring with an opening in which the fan sits and which allows the fan to be fixed to other structures;
Orifice ring means a ring with an opening in which the fan sits and which allows fixation of the fan to other structures;

Examples of Orifice ring in a sentence

  • Orifice ring shall be correctly formed by spinning or stamping to provide easy passage of air without turbulence and to direct the air stream.

  • Orifice ring fittings 50 mm and below shall have gunmetal body castings with screwed ends to BS 21 and comply with BS 1400.

  • Orifice ring fittings 65 mm and above shall have cast iron flangeless bodies with notches for pipe alignment fitted with stainless steel orifice plates and gunmetal retaining bushes.

  • Thus, the key point is that these smaller storms account for the majority of the runoff volume.

  • Orifice ring shall be correctly formed by shinning or stamping to provide easy passage of air without turbulence and to direct the air stream.

Related to Orifice ring

  • Drift means the difference between the zero or span responses of the measurement instrument after and before an emissions test.

  • Total resource cost test or "TRC test" means a standard that is met if, for an investment in energy efficiency or demand-response measures, the benefit-cost ratio is greater than one. The benefit-cost ratio is the ratio of the net present value of the total benefits of the program to the net present value of the total costs as calculated over the lifetime of the measures. A total resource cost test compares the sum of avoided electric utility costs, representing the benefits that accrue to the system and the participant in the delivery of those efficiency measures, as well as other quantifiable societal benefits, including avoided natural gas utility costs, to the sum of all incremental costs of end-use measures that are implemented due to the program (including both utility and participant contributions), plus costs to administer, deliver, and evaluate each demand-side program, to quantify the net savings obtained by substituting the demand-side program for supply resources. In calculating avoided costs of power and energy that an electric utility would otherwise have had to acquire, reasonable estimates shall be included of financial costs likely to be imposed by future regulations and legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per

  • Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.

  • water meter means any apparatus for measuring or showing the volume of water supplied to, or of effluent discharged from any premises;

  • CO2 means carbon dioxide.

  • Net Metering Net metering refers to customers who sell electricity they produce, typically through a rooftop solar panel, back to the utility for credit. If you are a net metering customer, you should not enroll with XOOM because your net metering agreement will not transfer to XOOM once you enroll.

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.

  • Fuel system means the components which store or transport fuel on board the vehicle and comprise the fuel tank system, all fuel and vapour lines, any non-tank mounted fuel pumps and the activated carbon canister.

  • Fuel means any solid, liquid or gaseous combustible material;

  • Dyed diesel fuel means diesel fuel that meets the dyeing and marking requirements of 26 U.S.C.

  • Construction management at-risk means a project delivery method in which the District awards separate contracts, one for architectural and engineering services to design an infrastructure facility and the second to a construction manager at-risk for both construction of the infrastructure facility according to the design and construction management services.

  • Natural attenuation means the reduction in the con- centration and mass of a substance, and the products into which the substance breaks down, due to naturally occurring physical, chemical and biological processes.

  • GATS means the General Agreement on Trade in Services in Annex 1B to the WTO Agreement;

  • Aviation gasoline means fuel designed for use in the operation of aircraft other than jet aircraft,

  • Diesel means a distillate oil which can be used as fuel for the operation of a compression ignition engine and which has an approximate boiling temperature of between 150 °C to 400 °C;

  • Construction-manager-at-risk means a project delivery method in which:

  • Net energy metering means the difference between the kilowatt-hours consumed by a customer-generator and the kilowatt-hours generated by the customer- generator's facility over any time period determined as if measured by a single meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in two directions.

  • Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.

  • Diesel fuel means the same as that term is defined in Section 59-13-102.

  • Energy storage system means a system which stores energy and releases it in the same form as was input.

  • Water Main means (subject to Section 219(2) of the 1991 Act) any pipe, not being a pipe for the time being vested in a person other than the water undertaker, which is used or to be used by a water undertaker or licensed water supplier for the purpose of making a general supply of water available to customers or potential customers of the undertaker or supplier, as distinct from for the purpose of providing a supply to particular customers;

  • Passenger compartment means the space for occupant accommodation, bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, outside glazing and front bulkhead and the plane of the rear compartment bulkhead or the plane of the rear-seat back support.

  • Comprehensive resource analysis means an analysis including,

  • Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. Generation Interconnection Customer:

  • Maintenance and Operations Revenue or “M&O Revenue” means (i) those revenues which the District receives from the levy of its annual ad valorem maintenance and operations tax pursuant to Section 45.002 of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE, or other lawful authority, and Article VII § 3 of the TEXAS CONSTITUTION, plus (ii) all State revenues to which the District is or may be entitled under the applicable provisions of the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE or any other statutory provision as well as any amendment or successor statute to these provisions, as applicable, less