Original Share Transfer definition
Examples of Original Share Transfer in a sentence
This rule change will create an application and approval process for the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) professional development and create a loan repayment system.
According to the Original Share Transfer Agreement, the remaining consideration of HK$32 million shall be payable on 28 December 2014.
As of the date of this Agreement, Pintec has not paid the Original Share Transfer Price to Ningxia Fengyin.
In October 2020, the Parties entered into another Supplementary Agreement (the “Supplementary Agreement II”), which sets forth the supplementary agreement with respect to the grace period for the Fixed Capital Arrangement under the Original Share Transfer Agreement (as defined in the Supplementary Agreement II), adjustment to the Transfer Price (as defined in the Supplementary Agreement II), and adjust to the Warrant, among others.
The Parties have completed the closing of the Original Share Transfer (the “Original Closing”) on 【October 22, 2022】 (the “Original Closing Date”), in which Ningxia Fengyin delivered the licenses, certificates, seals, organizational documents and2.
Now and therefore, the parties intend to enter into the following supplementary agreement with regards to the Supply Arrangement under the Original Share Transfer Agreement.
In October 2020, the Parties entered into a certain Supplementary Agreement (the “Supplementary Agreement I”), which sets forth the supplementary agreement with respect to the payment of the Original Share Transfer Price and grant of the Warrant (as defined in the Supplementary Agreement I), among others.
In October 2020, the Parties entered into another Supplementary Agreement (the “Supplementary Agreement II”), which sets forth the supplementary agreement with respect to the graceperiod for the Fixed Capital Arrangement under the Original Share Transfer Agreement (as defined in the Supplementary Agreement II), adjustment to the Transfer Price (as defined in the Supplementary Agreement II), and adjust to the Warrant, among others.
In October 2020, the Parties entered into a certain Supplementary Agreement (the “Supplementary Agreement I”), which sets forth the supplementary agreement with respect to the payment of the Original Share Transfer Price and grant of the Warrant1.