Examples of Originally signed in a sentence
Originally signed by Originally signed by The Board of School Trustees The Canadian Union of Public Employees School District No .
Originally signed on September 12, 2001 by: Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, President, Board of Directors Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, President Xxxxxxx X.
Originally signed by 200 counties, there were only three countriesin 2017 who had not signed the Paris Agreement: Nicaragua, Syria, and the United States.
Originally signed Feb.22, 1999 The parties are agreed for the duration of the 2014-2019 collective agreement to a trial sick leave plan that provides to an employee who accrues 850 hours of paid time in one calendar year, the accrual of sick leave entitlement in the following year based on one and one-quarter (1¼) days per month of full-time service.
Originally signed in September of 2015.-Joined the Mets organization in June of 2021 after being released by the Dodgers.-Spent last season primarily with Double-A Binghamton (23 appearances, 20 starts).
Originally signed September 18, 2013 [Original signed by Bargaining Committee] for BCPSEA [Original signed by Bargaining Committee] for the Unions BCPSEA and the Unions ("the Parties") agree to recommend the following framework for inclusion in the collective agreements between local Support Staff Unions who are members of the K-12 Presidents' Council and Boards of Education.
Originally signed in 1981, and amended several times since,E.O. 12333 placed restrictions on intelligence collection activities engaged in by Executive Branch agencies, including the FBI, CIA, and NCTC, while also seeking to foster “full and free exchange of information” among these agencies.
Originally signed Nov.2, 2012 The parties are agreed, for the life of the collective agreement, that a fund including: • $55,670 one-time funding ($27,560 in 2012/13 contract year and $28,110 in 2013/14 contract year) due to savings from implementing the general wage increase in four 1% increments on September 1, 2012, March 1, 2013, September 1, 2013 & March 1, 2014 and • $21,692 recurring funding due to savings from direct deposit agreement (effective September 1, 2013).
Originally signed September 18, 2013 for BCPSEA for the Unions BCPSEA and the Unions ("the Parties") agree to recommend the following framework for inclusion in the collective agreements between local Support Staff Unions who are members of the K-12 Presidents' Council and Boards of Education.
Originally signed by Alberta and British Columbia and effective in 2007, Saskatchewan and Manitoba joined the agreement in 2010 and 2016, respectively.The NWPTA applies to all government measures (e.g., legislation, regulations, standards, policies, procedures, guidelines, etc.) affecting trade, investment and labour mobility.