overhead line definition

overhead line means any electric supply-line, which is placed above ground and in the open air but excluding live rails of traction system;
overhead line means an electric line which is placed above the ground and in the open air but does not include live rails of a traction system;
overhead line means all bare or insulated electrical conductors installed above the ground.

More Definitions of overhead line

overhead line means any electric line which is placed above ground and in the open air;
overhead line means a bare or insulated electric conductor installed above ground but does not include a conductor that is de-energized and grounded or that is enclosed in a rigid metallic conduit.
overhead line means any electric line suspended above ground carrying or intended to carry electrical energy at a voltage exceeding 80 volts to earth;
overhead line means all bare or insulated electric conductors installed above ground.
overhead line means all bare or in- sulated electric conductors installed above ground.
overhead line means any electric line which is placed above ground and in the open air; “performance standards” means electricity distribution performance standards regulations;
overhead line means an above-ground telephone, telegraph, telecommunication or electric power line or any combination thereof;