Infrastructure costs definition

Infrastructure costs means such costs as are reasonably incurred for the acquisition and construction of infrastructure.
Infrastructure costs means costs incurred by a municipal corporation in a calendar year to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, plan, or equip real or tangible personal property that directly benefits or will directly benefit the exempted property. If the municipal corporation finances the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, planning, or equipping of real or tangible personal property that directly benefits the exempted property by issuing debt, "infrastructure costs" means the annual debt charges incurred by the municipal corporation from the issuance of such debt. Real or tangible personal property directly benefits exempted property only if the exempted property places or will place direct, additional demand on the real or tangible personal property for which such costs were or will be incurred.
Infrastructure costs means costs directly related to the construction

Examples of Infrastructure costs in a sentence

  • Infrastructure costs are considered and if these costs are higher than 40% of the total project costs, points will be deducted.

  • Infrastructure costs relating to extending the capacity of existing infrastructure are excluded.

  • Infrastructure costs will be used in developing a finance plan to be adopted with the Community Plan.

  • Infrastructure costs are non-personnel costs that are necessary for the general operation of the one-stop center, such as rental of the facilities, utilities and maintenance, equipment, and technology.

  • Cloud Infrastructure costs will fluctuate throughout the life of this development, describe your approach to ensure that there is access to both growth and reduction in Cloud facilities as necessary.

More Definitions of Infrastructure costs

Infrastructure costs means the actual cost of acquiring, constructing and developing all of the Infrastructure, including without limitation the cost of the Infrastructure Land, design and engineering costs, construction management fees, general contractor fees, property taxes on the Infrastructure Land prior to completion of the Infrastructure, interest expense on the Infrastructure Land and the Infrastructure at an assumed nine percent (9.0%) rate of interest for the period prior to the completion of each applicable phase of the Infrastructure. Infrastructure shall not include the cost of issuance of bonds to finance the Infrastructure. If all of the Infrastructure has not been finally completed at the time of determination of Infrastructure Costs due to phasing of the construction of Infrastructure or for any other reason, then Infrastructure Costs shall include an amount equal to the expected amount of Infrastructure Costs upon final completion of the Infrastructure as reasonably determined by WPHC.
Infrastructure costs means the shared infrastructure costs negotiated between the Contractor and the local Workforce Development Board (WDB) to operate a local AJC or One-Stop Center. Shared infrastructure costs are required of all WIOA partners, including Title V SCSEP. These costs are identified in an executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Contractor and the local WDB. Infrastructure Costs may be charged to Administration or Other Program. [29 U.S.C 3151] [20 CFR 678.400 through 20 CFR 678.510]
Infrastructure costs means costs incurred by a municipal corporation in a calendar year to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, plan, or equip real or tangible personal property that directly benefits or will directly benefit the exempted property. If the municipal corporation finances the
Infrastructure costs means [*]
Infrastructure costs means the costs of installing streets, roads, utilities and other service facilities (e.g., parking, common garbage collection facilities) and common recreational facilities available for all users of the Village Core to provide utilities and services for improvements or users of improvements developed (or planned to be developed). 1.61 Initiating Member. “Initiating Member” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.2(a) of this Agreement.
Infrastructure costs or “costs of infrastructure” means the cost of constructing the Seawall Lot 337 infrastructure, including related costs of planning and design work and a return on developer equity, as provided in a plan of finance in a disposition and development agreement.
Infrastructure costs means the costs of Infrastructure Works;