Oversized vehicle definition

Oversized vehicle means any vehicle, as that word is defined in state Vehicle Code Section 670, or a combination of connected vehicles, which exceeds twenty-five (25') feet in length, or eighty (80") inches in width, or eighty-two (82") inches in height, exclusive of such projecting lights or devices as are expressly allowed pursuant to the state Vehicle Code as it now exists or hereafter may be amended. Oversized vehicle shall not mean or include a pickup truck, which is less than twenty-five (25') feet in length and eighty-two (82") inches in height.
Oversized vehicle means any of the following:
Oversized vehicle means a motor vehicle in excess of twenty (20) feet in length; or exceeds seven (7) feet in width; or exceeds seven (7) feet in height, exclusive of such projecting lights or devices as are expressly allowed pursuant to the Utah Vehicle Code as it now exists or hereafter may be amended. Oversized vehicle does not include pickup trucks less than twenty-five (25) feet in length and seven (7) feet in height.

Examples of Oversized vehicle in a sentence

  • Oversized vehicle or load; however, such lights shall only be lighted when moving under permit issued by the Department under Section 15-301 of this Code; 6.

  • Oversized vehicle means any vehicle, including any attached trailers, vehicles or loads thereon, that exceeds 27 feet in length and 7 feet in height.

  • Kaua'i-based commercial tour boat operations involving indirect interaction with spinner dolphins generated more revenue than similar operations on O'ahu, but significantly less than those on Maui (Table 5-3 below).

  • Oversized vehicle parking shall be prohibited in front yard setbacks.

  • Oversized vehicle shall be defined as any vehicle whether motorized or non- motorized, that exceeds twenty three (23) feet in length, or eighty (80) inches in width or ninety-six (96) inches in height regardless of its weight.

More Definitions of Oversized vehicle

Oversized vehicle means any vehicle . . . or a combination of connected vehicles, which exceeds:
Oversized vehicle as used in this Chapter shall mean any vehicle, as defined by Section 670 of the California Vehicle Code, or combination of vehicles, which exceeds twenty-two feet in
Oversized vehicle means any mechanical vehicle or goods carrier having 7 or more axles or vehicle with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 60,000 (Sixty Thousand kilograms)
Oversized vehicle means any motor vehicle having a registered gross weight in excess of four thousand five hundred (4,500) kilograms (9,925 lbs.) including tractors used for hauling purposes, buses, motorized and mobile homes and trailers;
Oversized vehicle shall have the meaning set forth in National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008
Oversized vehicle means any vehicle, as defined by Section 670 of the California Vehicle Code, or combination of vehicles, which exceeds twenty feet in length, seven feet in width, or eight feet in height, exclusive of projecting lights or devices allowed by Section 35109 or 35110 of the California Vehicle Code, as may be amended. Oversized Vehicle does not include pickup trucks or sport utility vehicles, which are less than twenty-five feet in length and eighty-two inches in height.
Oversized vehicle means any vehicle rated larger than a ¾-ton pickup truck and vehicles longer than 16 feet or wider than 6 feet.