Examples of P-20 council in a sentence
Arizona ranks 35th in the nation on percentage of working-age adults with a Bachelor’s Degree, and a recent study for the Arizona Governor’s P-20 council showed that educational attainment is much lower among those entering the workforce than those about to retire.
Furthermore, this position facilitates the development of formal interface between early learning data governance and the P-20 council including collaboration with key early childhood partners and stakeholders.
She told the council that Superintendent Erquiaga, and representatives from DTER, NSHE, and someone from economic development community will pull together with two members of the P-20 council to determine what those agencies see as priorities according to what the Governor’s executive order is.
Governor Brewer has asked for an AZ Ready committee, which is a revamp of the Governor’s P-20 council, to be chaired by Dr. Craig Barret, and co- chaired by Supt.
EWTA serves as the local P-20 council to align local secondary and post-secondary education providers with industry needs.
She established a timeline for this project which is to have all the data to be gathered and analyzed by June; by August embargoed findings will be discussed with Senator Jacqueline Collins, Representative Linda Chapa LaVia and an appointee of the P-20 Council; and in September findings will be discussed at the Attendance Commission meeting and the P-20 council meeting.
Dr. Kearns reported that the P-20 council has not met nor is scheduled to meet in the immediate future.
Sometimes, this approach meant revitalizing or repurposing an existing entity, such as a state workforce board or a P-20 council.
The resolution further calls upon the state P20 council to include equity targets in Illinois’ 60 X 25 goal.
AN ACTConcerning recom m endations from the P-20 council relating to educator licensure, and, in connection therew ith, stream lining and aligning the alternative teacher and the teacher in residence programs, and m aking an appropriation.