Community Reinvestment Act means the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, as amended.
CRA means the Canada Revenue Agency.
Housing commission means a housing commission or housing authority as defined under section 3 of the housing cooperation law, 1937 PA 293, MCL 125.603.
Equal Credit Opportunity Act means the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, as amended.
Energy Market Opportunity Cost means the difference between (a) the forecasted cost to operate a specific generating unit when the unit only has a limited number of available run hours due to limitations imposed on the unit by Applicable Laws and Regulations, and (b) the forecasted future Locational Marginal Price at which the generating unit could run while not violating such limitations. Energy Market Opportunity Cost therefore is the value associated with a specific generating unit’s lost opportunity to produce energy during a higher valued period of time occurring within the same compliance period, which compliance period is determined by the applicable regulatory authority and is reflected in the rules set forth in PJM Manual 15.
Contracting Department any contracting authority as defined in Regulation 5(2) of the Public Contracts (Works, Services and Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 2000 other than the Department; "Contractor Personnel" all employees, agents, consultants and contractors of the Contractor and/or of any Sub-contractor; "Contractor Software" software which is proprietary to the Contractor, including software which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services; "Crown Body" any department, office or agency of the Crown;
Credit Union means the registered society.
New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual or “BMP Manual” means the manual maintained by the Department providing, in part, design specifications, removal rates, calculation methods, and soil testing procedures approved by the Department as being capable of contributing to the achievement of the stormwater management standards specified in this chapter. The BMP Manual is periodically amended by the Department as necessary to provide design specifications on additional best management practices and new information on already included practices reflecting the best available current information regarding the particular practice and the Department’s determination as to the ability of that best management practice to contribute to compliance with the standards contained in this chapter. Alternative stormwater management measures, removal rates, or calculation methods may be utilized, subject to any limitations specified in this chapter, provided the design engineer demonstrates to the municipality, in accordance with Section IV.F. of this ordinance and N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), that the proposed measure and its design will contribute to achievement of the design and performance standards established by this chapter.
IWAI/ Authority/ Department/ Owner means the Inland Waterways Authority of India, which invites tenders on behalf of the Chairman, IWAI and includes therein-legal representatives, successors and assigns.
DEP means the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Federal credit union means a credit union chartered under the Federal Credit Union Act.
Property Reinvestment Application means, with respect to any Transfer of property, the application of an amount equal to the Net Proceeds Amount with respect to such Transfer to the acquisition by the Company of operating assets of the Company to be used in the principal business of the Company.
Day-ahead Energy Market means the schedule of commitments for the purchase or sale of energy and payment of Transmission Congestion Charges developed by the Office of the Interconnection as a result of the offers and specifications submitted in accordance with Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 1.10 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix. “Day-ahead Energy Market Injection Congestion Credits” shall mean those congestion credits paid to Market Participants for supply transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market including generation schedules, Increment Offers, Up-to Congestion Transactions, import transactions, and Day-Ahead Pseudo-Tie Transactions. “Day-ahead Energy Market Transmission Congestion Charges” shall be equal to the sum of Day- ahead Energy Market Withdrawal Congestion Charges minus [the sum of Day-ahead Energy Market Injection Congestion Credits plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement between the Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 38), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to the Joint Operating Agreement Among and Between New York Independent System Operator Inc. and PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (PJM Rate Schedule FERC No. 45), plus any congestion charges calculated pursuant to agreements between the Office of the Interconnection and other entities, as applicable)]. “Day-ahead Energy Market Withdrawal Congestion Charges” shall mean those congestion charges collected from Market Participants for withdrawal transactions in the Day-ahead Energy Market from transactions including Demand Bids, Decrement Bids, Up-to Congestion Transactions, Export Transactions, and Day-Ahead Pseudo-Tie Transactions.
USDOT means the United States Department of Transportation.
Community rehabilitation program means a program that provides directly or facilitates the provision of one or more of the following vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to enable those individuals to maximize their opportunities for employment, including career advancement:
MDEQ means the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Plant regulator means any substance or mixture of substances intended, through physiological action, to accelerate or retard the rate of growth or rate of maturation, or to otherwise alter the behavior of plants or the produce thereof, but does not include substances to the extent that they are intended as plant nutrients, trace elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoculants, or soil amendments.
DEQ means the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
Housing Act means the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, or its successor.
Compact commissioner means: the voting representative of each compacting state appointed pursuant to Article VIII of this compact.
Federal Trade Commission Act means the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914.
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act means the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.
HSR Act means the Xxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended.
State purchased health care or "health care" means medical
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Michigan state housing development authority means the Michigan state housing development authority created under section 21 of the state housing development authority act of 1966, 1966 PA 346, MCL 125.1421.