Online Transactions definition

Online Transactions. For any payment or transfer, once you approve the transaction, we’ll apply it to your account. For recurring or future dated payments, it is applied on the effective “send on” date. Checks Drawn on Your Account: When cashed or deposited at a ATM, branch, or online will be pending on your account at the time the item was cashed or deposited. Checks that are deposited at other banks will show as pending throughout the day as the other banks submit the item to us for payment. If the amount of the check identified in the notice exceeds your balance at the time we receive the notice, we may notify the other bank of that fact. Debit Card Transactions: For more information on debit card transactions refer to the section Important Information and Agreements About Your Card. Wire Transfers: Once we’ve begun processing the wire transfer and completed all of our internal reviews, we will apply the transaction to your account and update your available balance on the transfer’s effective date. While we make every effort to place transactions in a pending status on your account during the day, transactions may be unable to be displayed as pending before they are posted to your account. How these items are posted when they are completed and no longer display as pending is based on the posting order. Fees are applied against the account based on how items are posted. For details, refer to the section Posting Order.
Online Transactions means all posted retail transactions successfully charged to a Card account and/or to the account of a supplemental cardholder of an Eligible Applicant made via the internet and processed by the respective merchants/acquirers as an online transaction type through the MasterCard International Incorporated and/or Visa Worldwide networks and which are successfully captured and posted.
Online Transactions means Transactions completed (i) using one of the Accepted Payment Services through the integration of the Accepted Payment Service into the Merchant’s app or system; (ii) via the shopping pages of one of the Accepted Payment Services; or (iii) using or such other means as the Parties may agree upon from time to time in writing.

Examples of Online Transactions in a sentence

  • Bank, in its sole discretion, may (i) establish additional Security Procedures through the use of Supplemental Documentation and/or Enrollment Forms, in connection with particular Services that allow Online Transactions; and/or (ii) establish additional security through the use of other types of multi-factor authentication.

More Definitions of Online Transactions

Online Transactions means any and all card transactions executed via electronic or mechanical devices whereby, as a rule, changes to the current balance in the Card Account are registered immediately in the payment cards authorisation system.
Online Transactions means any transaction placed via the Online Bookings tools provided to the Customer;
Online Transactions means retail transactions made via the internet and processed by the respective merchants/acquirers as an online transaction type through the Mastercard International Incorporated and Visa Worldwide networks.
Online Transactions means banking transactions initiated by the Customer from its business account via internet banking to (i) another account it may hold with ICICI Bank, (ii) accounts its beneficiaries may hold with ICICI Bank, (iii) INR accounts it may hold with ICICI Bank Limited in India, (iv) INR accounts it may hold with banks other than ICICI Bank Limited in India, and (v) accounts in other currencies with banks other than
Online Transactions means any and all transactions executed using a virtual debit card via electronic and mechanical devices whereby, as a rule, changes to the current balance in the Account are registered in the payment cards authorisation system immediately.
Online Transactions means the transfers and payments made from your HLBCAM banking account through the Connect.
Online Transactions means Online Requests and/or Entries that the Client initiates through the Online Banking Service as defined in Section 1.6.B.