Examples of Paper Gold in a sentence
Because it can improve performance, the element of motivation is considered to be a factor for someone to feel job satisfaction (Wibisono et al., 2017).
The Bank’s Selling Price and the Bank’s Purchase Price for each Trading Unit in respect of a Paper Gold are quoted in HKD only.
The transactions of IMF are expressed in Special Drawing Right (SDR) which is also known as Paper Gold.
Changes in the offshore RMB exchange rate could cause the final fixing price to move against you and result in the exercise of the put option over gold against the specified currency (in the case of a Hang Seng GLD (with Cash as the Initial Investment)) or lapse of the call option over gold against the specified currency (in the case of a Hang Seng GLD (with Paper Gold as the Initial Investment)) which may lead to a loss under your Hang Seng GLD.
Each Paper Gold represents a type of reference asset (each a “Reference Asset” and, collectively, the “Reference Assets”).
The price per Trading Unit of a Paper Gold is referred to as a Bank’s Selling Price if you would like to purchase one Trading Unit of such Paper Gold from the Bank.
The Bank has the right to terminate the Scheme and/or the account through which your investments in the Scheme are conducted at any time in the circumstances as described under the Hang Seng Paper Gold Grain Account Terms and Conditions.
Paper Gold represents % of the global market shareHowever, such products provide only indirect exposure to gold and are only synthetically scarce.
This study is conducted to view pragmatic point on Paper Gold versus Physical Gold.
Initial InvestmentThe amount invested by you in this product, which is either a specified cash amount in the specified currency (for a Hang Seng GLD (with Cash as the Initial Investment)) or a number of paper gold units (for a Hang Seng GLD (with Paper Gold as the InitialInvestment)).Specified currencyThe currency in which any cash deposit and/or payment under this product is made and the strike price and the final fixing price are quoted.