Examples of Parenting responsibilities in a sentence
Members that are not part of the core CPC membership, but hold Corporate Parenting responsibilities, are invited to raise any issues they have with regard to the services provided to Children in Care.
Dorset Council continue to fulfil Corporate Parenting responsibilities to 480 Children in Care and over 200 Care Leavers and these children and young people are prioritised for continued help and support during this time.
The purpose of this exception is to support Buckinghamshire Council in meeting its Corporate Parenting responsibilities and to ensure that young people leaving care are able to secure accommodation at the appropriate time in order to achieve a successful transition into adulthood and independent living.
The Steering Group received an update on the work currently being undertaken to ensure compliance with the Corporate Parenting responsibilities detailed within Part 9 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
It is the council’s policy now to ring-fence new level 2 (GCSE) or 3 (A’ Level) apprenticeships for our Care Leavers as part of its commitment to our Corporate Parenting responsibilities.
There is a degree of prioritisation for our Care Leavers as a direct result of our Corporate Parenting responsibilities and this is regularly discussed as part of the Corporate Parenting Panel.
It is the responsibility of all Council elected members and all services - universal services such as schools, nurseries, health services, leisure provision and specialist services for Looked After children and young people - to contribute and ensure that our Corporate Parenting responsibilities are fulfilled.
So, how does this all work?This Strategy sets out our Corporate Parenting responsibilities and priorities for all Looked After children and young people, with specific regard to children and young people who are Looked After and Accommodated.
For example, these may be reasonable causes that a student is absent from a daily class: ● Illness ● A physician’s written determination that the student is unable to attend school ● Death in the immediate family ● Quarantine ● Impassable roads ● Suspension ● Observance of a bona fide religious holiday/holy day ● Required court appearances ● Parenting responsibilities when it is deemed necessary The school administration has the authority to determine if absences from school are excused or unexcused.
This is crucial to the Council’s Corporate Parenting responsibilities.