Task(s) definition

Task(s) means one or more functions, if specified in the Contract Documents, to be performed by the Contractor for the State.
Task(s) mean, collectively, tasks for performance of particular Works and/or rendering of particular Services within the scope of the relevant Projects, which are communicated to the Subcontractor by means of the Personal Profile in the Solar Staff Service.
Task(s) means distinct parts of an activity of daily living.

More Definitions of Task(s)

Task(s) means a unit of work performed every time a Recipe does an action (e.g., fetch data from an application by making an API call), as more fully described in the Documentation.
Task(s) means one or more functions, if specified in the Contract to be performed by the Contractor for the AOC.
Task(s). The responsibilities of the EMS agency, at a minimum, include: • On-going assessment of communications status and needs North Coast EMS previously approved, jointly with Napa County, the Emergency Medical Dispatch program at CALFIRE ECC in St. Helena, which is now the 9-1-1 dispatch center for Lake County. We also previously approved the aero medical dispatch plan for Lake County to utilize a single dispatch frequency by REACH Flight Guard upon activation by the St. Helena ECC. We continued EMD program approval of Eureka PD and CAL FIRE Fortuna. The latter is also approved as the Del Norte and Humboldt aero medical dispatch center. • Assuring appropriate maintenance of EMS related communications systems We plan to continue to work with each county, hospital and provider to help ensure future Med Net and/or field to hospital Communication Systems integrity. We also have particpated in communications to help improve 12-lead ECG transmission to the STEMI Receiving Center in Humboldt County. • Approving ambulance dispatch centers All three counties have centralized and North Coast EMS approved dispatch centers for ambulances. City Ambulance of Eureka is the primary ground ambulance dispatch center in Humboldt County, although Hoopa {K’ima:w} Ambulance may occassionally be dispatched through a separate process. The Del Norte County Sheriffs Dispatch Center is responsible for ground ambulance dispatch in Del Norte County. Lake County utilizes the CALFIRE ECC in Napa County for ambulance dispatch with our joint approval. CALFIRE ECC in Fortuna and CALFIRE ECC in Napa County are the North Coast EMS approved aero medical dispatch centers in Del Norte/Humboldt and Lake respectfully. • Providing acceptable procedures and communications for the purpose of dispatch and on-line medical control Communications procedures and medical control policies are updated as needed. • Approving emergency medical dispatch (EMD) training and/or operational programs North Coast EMS continues to approve the national EMD training programs at the Eureka Police Department, the CALFIRE ECC in Fortuna and the CALFIRE St Helena ECC (jointly with Napa County EMS).
Task(s) is defined in Clause 2.4.
Task(s) means each inspection or other requirement set forth in the MPD that (a) has a repetitive interval designated by a letter or combination of a letter and a number, or (b) is based upon (i) the accumulation of Flight Hours and/or Cycles, or (ii) the accumulation of APU Hours and/or APU Cycles, or (iii) an elapsed number of calendar days, months and/or years.
Task(s) means one or more functions, if specified in the Contract to be performed by the Contractor for Judicial Council.
Task(s) means objects stored by the Cloud Service. Tasks are measured by the peak quantity in storage monthly.