Party to the proceedings definition

Party to the proceedings means the applicant for a certificate of need and any affected person who appears at a hearing on the matter under consideration and enters an appearance of record;
Party to the proceedings means the applicant for a certificate of need and any
Party to the proceedings means the Board and any other person

Examples of Party to the proceedings in a sentence

  • Questions and evidence about the Respondent’s prior sexual history with an individual other than a Party to the proceedings may only be considered if the evidence: a.

  • Confronted with the offer of pop-up chats, prospective students might feel obligated to talk to a recruiter before they have had time to search the website and decide if the school is right for them.

  • The Adjudicator may admit, or invite, further submissions from any Party to the proceedings.

  • Decisions of the Cost Cap Adjudication Panel under these FE Manufacturer Financial Regulations may be appealed to the ICA (a) by any Party to the proceedings that led to the decision and/or (b) by the Primary Team or Additional Team (where the Cost Cap Adjudication Panel has ordered deduction of points of such teams and/or their drivers and/or restrictions on the Testing that such teams may conduct, and/or suspension or exclusion of such teams from a Competition or the Championship).

  • A hearing shall be organised upon written request of a Party to the proceedings or at the sole request of the Disciplinary Authority.

  • In Slovakia, members of the public can also receive the status of Party to the proceedings (and thus standing) either by legal norms or by participation in administrative procedures (e.g., permitting, EIA procedures) preceding litigation.

  • On 8th March 2010, the Aids Law Project, a non-governmental organisation registered in Kenya, was joined as an Interested Party to the proceedings.

  • Time limits set out under these Rules, with the exception of the time limit for the filing of the Notice of Arbitration may be extended by the JSI Secretariat, the Mediator or the Arbitration Panel on application by a Party to the proceedings.

  • Further, as a Party to the proceedings, Argentina is procedurally bound to conduct itself towards the other Party so as not to anticipate the final decision of the Court on the “rights in dispute” in the case which Argentina itself referred to the Court.

  • The applicant was objecting to a decision made by An Bord Pleanala whereby a Notice Party to the proceedings, Greenstar Recycling Holdings Limited, was granted Planning Permission for a waste disposal development in County Wicklow.The applicant sought a number of reliefs against the State and the Attorney General provided she was granted leave to commence substantive proceedings against the respondents.

More Definitions of Party to the proceedings

Party to the proceedings. (法律程序中一方) means the defendant or the prosecutor; "procedural Ordinance" (程序條例) means the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221); "prosecutor" (檢控人) includes-
Party to the proceedings means a person who submitted a valid objection to or commented on an application and, where a hearing was held, who appeared either in person or by means of a representative before the competent authority to advance such comments or objections;
Party to the proceedings or “party” means a noncomplying small water company and/or small sewer company; a potential acquiring public or private entity or entities; and the [Department of the Public Advocate,] Division of Rate Counsel.

Related to Party to the proceedings

  • Legal Action means and includes any claim, counterclaim, demand, action, suit, counterclaim, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or investigation before any

  • Adjudicatory proceeding means a contested case, a proceeding that may culminate in a contested case, a petition for declaratory order, a petition for expedited resolution of a negotiability dispute, or any other proceeding which may require the board or its designee to issue a decision, order, or ruling.

  • relevant proceedings means proceedings for contempt of court or proceedings under Schedule 2 to the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;

  • Litigation means any action, suit or proceeding before any court, mediator, arbitrator or Governmental Authority.

  • Legal Proceedings means any suits, proceedings, judgments, rulings or orders by or before any court or any governmental authority.

  • Formal proceedings means proceedings conducted before a judge with notice to interested persons.

  • CCAA Proceedings means the proceedings commenced by the Applicant under the CCAA as contemplated by the Initial Order;

  • Threatened litigation as used herein shall include governmental investigations and civil investigative demands. “Litigation” as used herein shall include administrative enforcement actions brought by governmental agencies. The Grantee must also disclose any material litigation threatened or pending involving Subcontractors, consultants, and/or lobbyists. For purposes of this section, “material” refers, but is not limited, to any action or pending action that a reasonable person knowledgeable in the applicable industry would consider relevant to the Work under the Grant Agreement or any development such a person would want to be aware of in order to stay fully apprised of the total mix of information relevant to the Work, together with any litigation threatened or pending that may result in a substantial change in the Xxxxxxx’s financial condition.

  • winding-up proceedings means collective proceedings involving realisation of the assets and distribution of the proceeds among the creditors, shareholders or members as appropriate, which involve any intervention by administrative or judicial authorities, including where the collective proceedings are terminated by a composition or other analogous measure, whether or not they are founded on insolvency or are voluntary or compulsory;

  • Proceedings means all litigations (civil and criminal), arbitrations, administrative proceedings, investigations, suits, claims or charges.

  • criminal proceedings means criminal proceedings in relation to which the strict rules of evidence apply;

  • Adjudicative proceeding means the procedure to be followed in contested cases, as set forth in RSA 541-A:31 through RSA 541-A:36.

  • Pendency of the procurement process means the time period commencing with the public notice of the request for proposals and ending with the award of the contract or the cancellation of the request for proposals.

  • Protective proceeding means a judicial proceeding in which a protective order is sought or has been issued.

  • Dispute means any dispute, controversy, claim or difference of whatever nature arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement, including a dispute regarding the existence, formation, validity, interpretation, performance or termination of this Agreement or the consequences of its nullity and also including any dispute relating to any non-contractual rights or obligations arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement.

  • Good Faith Contest means the contest of an item if: (1) the item is diligently contested in good faith, and, if appropriate, by proceedings timely instituted; (2) adequate reserves are established with respect to the contested item; (3) during the period of such contest, the enforcement of any contested item is effectively stayed; and (4) the failure to pay or comply with the contested item during the period of the contest is not likely to result in a Material Adverse Change.

  • ADR Proceeding means either an Arbitration or a Mediation.

  • Administrative proceeding means a non-judicial process that is adjudicatory in nature in order to make a determination of fault or liability (e.g., Securities and Exchange Commission Administrative Proceedings, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings, and Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Proceedings). This includes administrative proceedings at the Federal and State level but only in connection with performance of a Federal contract or grant. It does not include agency actions such as contract audits, site visits, corrective plans, or inspection of deliverables.

  • Transaction Litigation has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2(d).

  • Legal Dispute means any action, suit or proceeding between or among the Parties arising in connection with any disagreement, dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any related document.

  • Bond proceedings means, collectively, this Resolution, the Certificate of Award, the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, the Registrar Agreement, the Purchase Agreement, and such other proceedings of the Board, including the Bonds, that provide collectively for, among other things, the rights of holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds.

  • dispute resolution proceeding ’ means any process in which an alternative means of dispute resolution is used to resolve an issue in controversy in which a neutral is appointed and specified parties participate;