Examples of PASRR Level II in a sentence
Individuals determined to require Specialized Services through the PASRR Level II process as conducted by DDD or DMHAS are prohibited from being admitted to a NF, or remaining in a NF.
The combination of MDS and PASRR Level II data, in the SME’s opinion, provides the best strategy to identify individuals that may need a Level II screen.
These changes included: Revising the level of care determination process through the PASRR Level II process so that all individuals that are admitted to a NF receive an initial authorization of no more than 90 – 100 days in a NF; 1 See “MCO Role in Evaluations & Determinations” for a flow chart conveying the PASRR Level I and Level II process.
In addition, the State must ensure that each individual in the Target Population, who has been admitted to a NF, receives a new PASRR Level II screen annually and, upon knowledge of a significant change in the resident’s condition, to determine whether their needs can be met in a community-based setting.
For each individual identified through the Level I screen, LDH must promptly provide a comprehensive PASRR Level II evaluation that complies with federal requirements.
The ITP must address the service needs identified through the PASRR Level II process, as well as additional needs identified by transition team members.
This includes information on the number of individuals that are receiving a PASRR Level II, initial requests for NF admission (long-term versus short-term stays), discharges from NFs, and ongoing requests for continued stays in NFs. Since the previous SME report, the State continues to finalize an initial set of measures that would be used for the Agreement.
LDH’s current process requires that every individual that has been denied nursing home placement through the PASRR Level II process is referred for case management provided by the MCOs. The individual has the option to refuse case management.
The State has done a second revision to the PASRR Level II instrument.
Additionally, the State has put in place improved protocols and processes for each individual who received an initial Level II and was admitted to a NF to ensure they receive a new PASRR Level II annually.