Inpatient Care Sample Clauses
Inpatient Care. You can get inpatient care in a specialized rehabilitative unit of a hospital. If you are already an inpatient, this benefit will start when your care becomes mainly rehabilitative. You must get prior authorization from us before you get inpatient treatment. See Prior Authorization for details. This plan covers inpatient rehabilitative therapy only when it meets these conditions: You cannot get these services in a less intensive setting The care is part of a written plan of treatment prescribed doctor This plan covers outpatient rehabilitative services only when it meets these conditions: This plan covers the following types of outpatient therapy: Physical, speech, hearing and occupational therapies Chronic pain care Cardiac and pulmonary therapy Cochlear implants Home medical equipment, medical supplies and devices Recreational, vocational or educational therapy Exercise or maintenance-level programs Social or cultural therapy Treatment that the ill, injured or impaired member does not actively take part in Gym or swim therapy Custodial care This plan covers skilled nursing facility services. Covered services include room and board for a semi-private room, plus services, supplies and drugs you get while confined in a skilled nursing facility. Sometimes a patient goes from acute nursing care to skilled nursing care without leaving the hospital. When that happens, this benefit starts on the day that the care becomes primarily skilled nursing care. Skilled nursing care is covered only during certain stages of recovery. It must be a time when inpatient hospital care is no longer medically necessary, but care in a skilled nursing care facility is medically necessary. Your doctor must actively supervise your care while you are in the skilled nursing facility. We cover skilled nursing care provided after hospitalization at a long-term care facility (see Definitions) where you were residing at immediately prior to your hospitalization when your primary care provider determines that the medical care you need can be provided at that facility, and that facility satisfies our standards, terms and conditions for long-term care facilities, accepts our rates and has all applicable licenses and certifications. You must get prior authorization from us before you get treatment. See Prior Authorization for details. Services must be prescribed by your physician. Not all supplies, devices or HME are a covered service and are subject to the terms and ...
Inpatient Care. Include costs associated with a subject while occupying a bed in a patient care setting. It normally includes both routine and ancillary costs.
Inpatient Care. We will indemnify the Medical Expenses incurred on the Insured Person’s Hospitalization during the Policy Period following an Illness or Injury that occurs during the Policy Period, provided that:
a. The Hospitalization is Medically Necessary and advised and follows Evidence Based Clinical Practices and Standard Treatment Guidelines.
b. The Medical Expenses incurred are Reasonable and Customary Charges for one or more of the following:
i. Room Rent;
ii. Nursing charges for Hospitalization as an Inpatient excluding private nursing charges;
iii. Medical Practitioners’ fees, excluding any charges or fees for Standby Services;
iv. Physiotherapy, investigation and diagnostics procedures directly related to the current admission;
v. Medicines, drugs as prescribed by the treating Medical Practitioner;
vi. Intravenous fluids, blood transfusion, injection administration charges and /or consumables;
vii. Operation theatre charges;
viii. The cost of prosthetics and other devices or equipment, if implanted internally during Surgery;
Inpatient Care. Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.
Inpatient Care. Covered services include: • Room and board, general duty nursing and special diets • Doctor services and visits • Use of an intensive care or special care units • Operating rooms, surgical supplies, anesthesia, drugs, blood, dressing, durable medical equipment and oxygen • X-ray, lab and testing Covered services include: • Operating rooms, procedure rooms and recovery rooms • Doctor services • Anesthesia • Services, medical supplies and drugs that the hospital provides for your use in the hospital • Lab and testing services billed by the hospital and done with other hospital services • Hospital stays that are only for testing, unless the tests cannot be done without inpatient hospital facilities, or your condition makes inpatient care medically necessary • Any days of inpatient care beyond what is medically necessary to treat the condition This plan covers mental health care and treatment for alcohol and drug dependence. This plan will also cover alcohol and drug services from a state- approved treatment program. You must also get these services in the lowest cost type of setting that can give you the care you need. When medically appropriate, services may be provided in your home. This plan will comply with federal mental health parity requirements. Some services require prior authorization. See
Inpatient Care. An overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility. • Inpatient care includes any period of incapacity or any subsequent treatment in connection with the overnight stay. Incapacity Plus Treatment: A period of incapacity of more than three consecutive, full calendar days, and any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition, that also involves either: o Two or more in-person visits to a health care provider for treatment within 30 days of the first day of incapacity unless extenuating circumstances exist. The first visit must be within seven days of the first day of incapacity; or, o At least one in-person visit to a health care provider for treatment within seven days of the first day of incapacity, which results in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider. For example, the health provider might prescribe a course of prescription medication or therapy requiring special equipment.
Inpatient Care. If a Member is receiving necessary inpatient hospital care at the time of such termination, the provision of Covered Services under this Section shall remain subject to the limits, if any, contained in the Member’s Benefit Plan with regard to inpatient hospital services.
Inpatient Care. An inpatient is defined as a patient who receives medical services at a medical facility and the treating physician has written an order to admit him/ her as an inpatient. A patient is an inpatient starting the day he/she is formally admitted to a medical facility. The last inpatient day is the day before the patient is discharged.
Inpatient Care. Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a
Inpatient Care. The applicable Exelis Welfare Plan shall be liable for ongoing inpatient care (such as continuous hospitalization) that is provided without interruption before and after the Welfare Plan Implementation Date.