Patent Claims definition

Patent Claims means one or more claims in issued patent(s) or pending patent application(s).
Patent Claims. (of a Contributor) means any patent claim(s), owned at the time of the Distribution or subsequently acquired, including without limitation, method, process and apparatus claims, in any patent licensable by a Contributor which would be infringed by making use of the rights granted under Sec. 2.1, including but not limited to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale or import of the Contributor Version and/or such Contributor’s Modifications (if any), either alone or in combination with the Contributor Version. “Licensable” means having the right to grant, whether at the time of the Distribution or subsequently acquired, the rights conveyed herein.
Patent Claims means any patent claim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, including without limitation, method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.

Examples of Patent Claims in a sentence

  • IEEE standards may be drafted in terms that include the use of Essential Patent Claims.

  • The Submitter of the Letter of Assurance may, after Reasonable and Good Faith Inquiry, indicate it is not aware of any Patent Claims that the Submitter may own, control, or have the ability to license that might be or become Essential Patent Claims.

  • The Submitter may, but is not required to, identify one or more of its Patent Claims that it believes might be or become Essential Patent Claims.

  • The IEEE takes no position with respect to the validity or essentiality of Patent Claims, determining whether an implementation is a Compliant Implementation or the reasonableness of rates, terms, and conditions provided in connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any, or in any license agreements offered by the Submitter.

  • If D.1.a or D.1.b is checked, the Submitter shall not condition a license on the Applicant’s agreeing (a) to grant a license to any of the Applicant’s Patent Claims that are not Essential Patent Claims for the IEEE Standard identified in part C, or (b) to take a license for any of the Submitter’s Patent Claims that are not Essential Patent Claims for the IEEE Standard identified in part C.

More Definitions of Patent Claims

Patent Claims. (of a Contributor) means any patent claim(s), owned at the time of the Distribution or subsequently acquired, including without limitation, method, process and apparatus claims, in any patent licensable by a Contributor which would be infringed by making use of the rights granted under Sec. 2.1, including but not limited to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale or import of the Contributor Version and/or such Contributor’s Modifications (if any), either alone or in combination with the Contributor Version. “Licensable” means having the right to grant, whether at the time of the Distribution or subsequently acquired, the rights conveyed herein. 1.10 “Software” means the software Distributed under this License by the Licensor, in Source Code and/or Object Code form. 1.11 “Source Code” means the preferred, usually human readable form of the Software and/or Modifications in which modifications are made and the associated documentation included in or with such code. 1.12 “You” means an individual or legal entity exercising rights under this License (the licensee).
Patent Claims has the meaning set forth in Section 13.3.
Patent Claims means the claims of a patent whether issued and existing or pending which are owned and under the control of such party.
Patent Claims of a Contributor means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
Patent Claims. (of a Contributor) means any patent claim(s), owned at the time of the Distribution or subsequently acquired, including without limitation, method, process and apparatus claims, in any patent licensable by a Contributor which would be infringed by making use of the rights granted under Sec. 2.1,
Patent Claims of a Contributor
Patent Claims means any patent claim(s), now owned