Section 13.3 Sample Clauses
Section 13.3. 40 Transportation must be cleared with the School District management so as to pool rides as much as 41 possible. Paid transportation expense allowed will be for the lesser of: (A) Normal and reasonable 42 expenses from the District Administrative Office to the training location and return, or (B) Normal and 43 reasonable expenses from the employee's principal residence to the training location and return.
Section 13.3. 17 Seniority rights shall not be lost for the following reasons, without limitation:
18 A. Time lost by reason of industrial accident, industrial illness or jury duty
19 B. Time on leave of absence granted for the purpose of serving in the Armed Forces of the United States 20 or
21 C. Time spent on other authorized leaves of absence, not to exceed one year.
Section 13.3. 31 Seniority rights shall not be lost for the following reasons, without limitation.
Section 13.3. 46 The District shall make required contributions for Industrial Insurance on behalf of all employees subject 47 to this Agreement.
Section 13.3 the expense for individual to obtain a CDL and additional school bus driving training costs, and 8 medical certification, the district has developed a policy whereby individuals may agree to accept a 9 training dollar loan which shall be forgiven 100% should the employee continue to work for the District 10 for no less than two (2) years. Should an employee separate from the district prior to completing two 11 years of service, the employee shall be responsible to repay the district in accordance with the Agreement 12 to Repay Costs of Training. The Agreement to Repay Costs of Training shall not be changed without 13 bargaining with the Association.
Section 13.3. District shall provide Bus Driver qualification training to District employees requesting 7 qualifications leading to a Washington State Bus Drivers certificate/license. In the event an employee 8 does not complete all aspects of the requested trainings, the employee shall reimburse the District for 9 all costs incurred. The District will attempt to maintain a minimum of two (2) such qualified 10 employees for contingency substitute Bus Driver assignment.
Section 13.3. District will pay for the cost of classes for all mandatory training (First Aid, CPR, AED) as 22 required per job descriptions. Training will be provided outside of contracted time without 23 compensation to the employee. 26 A R T I C L E X I V 27 28 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND CHECKOFF 30 Section 14.1. 31 Each employee subject to this Agreement, who, on the effective date of this Agreement, is a member 32 of the Association in good standing, may maintain membership in the Association in good standing 33 during the period of this Agreement.
Section 13.3. 23 The parties recognize that an employee should have the option of declining to participate as a member 24 in the Union, yet contribute financially to the activities of the Union in representing such employee as 25 a member of the collective bargaining unit. Therefore, as an alternative to, and in lieu of the 26 membership requirements of the previous sections of this Article, an employee who declines 27 membership in the Union may pay to the Union each month a service charge as a contribution towards 28 the administration of this Agreement in an amount not to exceed the regular monthly dues, less 29 assessments. This service charge shall be collected by the Union in the same manner as monthly dues.
Section 13.3. 19 Job descriptions for all bargaining unit positions shall be posted on the district website.
Section 13.3. 37 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent the District from discharging an employee for 38 acts of misconduct occurring after the expiration of the school year.