Payment A definition
Examples of Payment A in a sentence
Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that satisfactory control measures are in place.
Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that adequate supplies have been provided.
Work MethodThe Contractor shall use Labour to carry out this item of work Quality ControlThe Engineer shall check regularly that traffic control measures are satisfactory.Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that adequate Traffic Control is in place 01–40–007 Drinking Water The Contractor shall provide safe drinking water on site for workers at a reasonable distance from all work locations, for the duration of the Works.
Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that adequate supplies have been provided.SECTION 04: ROADSIDE CLEARANCE Scope This section covers all routine maintenance works within the road reserve and includes items such as bush clearing, pruning of tree branches, grass cutting, and removal of litter and any other debris.
The same Demand Reduction may not be offered by a Demand Reduction Provider and by a customer as Operating Reserves or Regulation Service.Demand Reduction Aggregator: A Demand Reduction Provider, qualified pursuant to ISO Procedures, that bids Demand Side Resources of at least 1 MW through contracts with Demand Side Resources and is not a Load Serving Entity.Demand Reduction Incentive Payment: A payment to Demand Reduction Providers that are scheduled to make Day-Ahead Demand Reductions.
Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that adequate Traffic Control is in place 01–40–007 Drinking Water The Contractor shall provide safe drinking water on site for workers at a reasonable distance from all work locations, for the duration of the Works.
If a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A on the basis of a Settlement Class Resolution, and a Primary Subdivision that opted out of the Settlement Class Resolution maintains a lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity, the following shall apply.
Measurement and Payment A Lump Sum shall be paid on a Monthly basis upon the approval of the Engineer that adequate Traffic Control is in place01–40–007 Drinking Water The Contractor shall provide safe drinking water on site for workers at a reasonable distance from all work locations, for the duration of the Works.
Import Credit Requirement: A component of the External Transaction Component of the Operating Requirement, calculated in accordance with Section 26.4.2 of Attachment K to this Services Tariff.Import Curtailment Guarantee Payment: A payment made in accordance with Section and Attachment J of this ISO Services Tariff to compensate a Supplier whose Import is Curtailed by the ISO.
A shall not apply where the Settling State at issue meets the eligibility criteria for and is entitled to Incentive Payment A for the Payment Year at issue, except as expressly provided therein.